Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pala Going Rogue

Looks like Robert Smith is getting into Sports Betting

A couple of interesting quotes from the article:

"The long battle over sports betting in California took another team last week when it was reported the Pala Band of Mission Indians is considering a new initiative in 2024. That means they must collect over 870,000 signatures from tribal members in less than five months. If they can get the signatures in time, it would lead to another referendum in 2024."


"The new initiative was expected to be announced last week, but the tribe still has not done so. One likely reason is pushback from other tribes in the Sunshine State. Pala is known for going rogue from other tribes, many of which do not support the legalization of sports betting. However, the blowback from working with the state to push through sports betting without their fellow tribes would be massive. It would likely also lead to yet another failed referendum."

Another article:


"Pala Chairman Robert Smith sent a communication to some tribal leaders Sunday giving them a heads up that the tribe will issue a news release Monday regarding filing a sports betting initiative for 2024."

Also in the News:


And there are rumors upon rumors.  I don't who or what to believe anymore so I don't really believe any of it.

Supposedly Pala is going to or already did buy Pala Mesa Resort.  Then Robert wants to put this land into trust and build a casino on it.  Does Robert still sit on the California Fee to Trust Consortium along with Amy Dutschke?

What was this about Robert wanting to shut the casino down?  Is that even true?  Weird times.


Anonymous said...

When Biden signed this bill for the land into trust it was quoted by Biden that Robert Smith said that the tribe bought this land for,13,500,000.
However, when Robert told the people at the meeting that the price for the land was 15 million.
So where is the other $1.5 million dollars that was approved
as the purchase price.

Anonymous said...

The tribal members should all vote it down until they have an forensic Audit done to see where all money that comes and goes is accounted for.
If this gets approved your per capita will be affected by
probably cut in half.
Instead of voting for this, vote to impeach Rob and Nieto.
Then your per capita will increase by at least 5 thousand a month more.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

FREEMAN karma too. What’s up with that old lady Randy ?

Anonymous said...

@ 11:14
What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Are we gonna get a Thanksgiving BONU$

Anonymous said...

Tony Ravago needs to stop trying to do new things at the Pala Raceway and fix all the old stuff that needs fixing ! He is waisting the tribes money.

Anonymous said...

Good point.. This is a good reason why we should Vote Brandon Johnson for Vice Chairman. Tony is a failure as V C. Even the firemen have no respect for him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How can the Ravago lady run for tribal Sect.when she has a
criminal record for having a loaded firearm and driving under the influence of drugs and running from the police in her pickup on the reservation.
She has no experience as a Sect.and no business background.
She would only be a yes person for the chairman and her uncle tony Ravago the V.C.
Vote with you brain and don't be fooled.

Anonymous said...

Torres/Martinez, La Jolla running Paia business?

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like we have a new vice chairman in Pala.
Brandon Johnson unseated Tony Ravago in the tribal elections. Also, Carla Neijo won the vacant EC seat and Theressa Villa remains the tribal sectary.
Can't wait until next year when someone will replace Smith and Nieto. Or maybe Smith will finally face the death bell.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well Tony,
You haven't done anything positive for the tribe ! The Raceway is in the hole and you put us there. We voted you in hopping you would be better than Howard and you were just like him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now we have enough good and honesty on the EC to force change and transparency. I hate saying this cause it affects us all but I hear the casino is not doing well. This has been said by employees and former players. If you play at other casinos and meet other players you will hear a lot of them say they use to play at Pala or recently stopped playing there for reasons ranging from less offers and amenities to their thoughts on how things are being run and who they blame. Every casino has gamblers that have something bad to say but that’s just the foods not good or the machines are tight. What people are saying now and more often are not the usual talk/complaining. Even guests and employees say they know about the casinos money troubles and that they are going broke. Start up a conversation with players next time your at any of the surrounding casinos. We need to worry and we need answers so I hope the EC will give those.

Anonymous said...

If your a TRIBAL MEMBER THAT GOES TO THE MEETINGS you will know everything is fine.

Anonymous said...

That statement is said like a well paid Robert smith advocate

Anonymous said...

Get you head out of his ass.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:43 PM.
Going t6o the tribal meetings is like watching a rerun of General Hospital on T.V.
The EC only tells the members what they want you to believe.
You can't ask questions about any income from tribal
investments and get a honest answer.

Anonymous said...

You really think that the board would tell us if things weren't going good? I don't think they would...they would just cover there own asses as usual right! Cuz that's the business that they have developed and continue to do til this day and they do it cuz we let them. If we don't start speaking up soon it will be too late. Look where being quite has gotten us...and look how pretty rob and his people sit, and when the dust settles there gonna walk away fat and happy with full pockets and we're gonna be back in line for food comods. We need change now cuz from what I've heard and seen. We're screwed. I mean we already make less than every other tribe that has a casino..why is that?? Shouldn't that be our sign? I guess if we don't say anything it's our own fault in the end and we're the ones who let Robert screw we only have ourselves to thank for the demise of Pala and the casino.

Anonymous said...

And one more really think the new electees are gonna do anything good for us?? I doubt it!!! They're just new puppets with new strings!

Anonymous said...

Wrong, the puppets didn't get elected and the brown noser
vice chairman lost his seat to the newly elected vice.

Anonymous said...

Defund the EC and hire a private firm to manage all the tribal enterprises.
Or gives the decision making back to the general membership.
The members of the tribe have no knowledge of all the so-called investments that the tribe has made. Just like all the payments that members make on their new homes and the interest on those loans should all be broken down and give the general membership a true and honest Quartey report.
Each and every investment should have a separate report on the income and the cost of operating expenses.
There is never a break down when the EC wants to pass the yearly budget. It is just a total cost for funding each department for the following year so the membership has no clue if those figures are correct or are inflated to cover
other things that they don/t want the members to know about. In other words it called a blind budget.

Anonymous said...

So if they're hiding so much, lying to us at our meetings, not taking the condition of our casino into account, we see no improvement of anything, percaps and bonuses are questionable on if, and amount, we should motion for new leadership. This is our tribe right? Or is it his tribe? It's been so long since I felt like I had a voice here in Pala. I feel more pushed and shoved around by the ec than supported as a member of this community. I guess our traditions don't matter at all.

Anonymous said...

Was there another RAID in Pala ?

Anonymous said...

@ 10:51
Not yet but I hear one is coming soon.

Anonymous said...

I thought we had voted on a $20.000 BONUS ?

Anonymous said...

They took away the $5000 Quarterly bonus's so this 15 K
that we got this year doesn't even amount to the Quarterly
bonus that they took away. Plus, there was no thanksgiving bonus this year either.
There should be no reason that the bonus should have been at the very least 30,000.
I guess that what we get for not standing up to the EC and just sitting back and believing what they want us to believe.

Anonymous said...

Damn when are you guys gonna be tired and do something about the way he's bending you all over f*cking you right in the brown eye? It's funny from the outside looking in...stand up for yourselves already and quit crying

Anonymous said...

That’s Robs move. He did that during the dis-enrollments when he lowered the percap 1,000 and people were like WTF you just stopped percap on over 100 people and shrank the amount of people still getting it so how come it didn’t go up? Then he gave us a 500 raise which some people actually called a raise. Sad how easy it was to shut them up with a $500 decrease.

Anonymous said...

All I know is if other tribes in the same geographic are are getting way doesn't take a genius to know that something is wrong! If you look at history...not of Pala but similar situations, empires, kingdoms, only takes bad leadership of one man to crumble kingdoms, history has a funny way of always repeating something before it's too late...and what I'm saying is better do it soon...the kingdom is falling and your king doesn't care about you

Anonymous said...

Maybe we will get a New Years BONU$

Anonymous said...

Nothing but sheep,get your head out your asses

Anonymous said...

People are complaining about Robert Smiths Nephew sleeping in the Pala Casino ! I have seen people taking pictures of him laying in the hallway near the event room and in the lobby!

Anonymous said...

i have a couple of pictures of him sleeping at the Casino.
How can I have them posted on the blog so people can't say that it is just bullshit.

Anonymous said...

That Smith kid is just a slob of a person. He goes around the Casino telling customer that his uncle owns the Casino and that it is okay for him to sleep in there and that he even gets to eat in the restraints for free.
He needs to be banned from the Casino and from Pala also.
He is not a tribal member, and he is a threat to the whole
community and the customers at the casino.

Anonymous said...

Has karma started to set in on the others behind the disenrollments yet? One’s in the ground what about the others. Looking for karma to set in on them in 2024.

Anonymous said...

Look up what Karma is !

Anonymous said...

I did and it’s coming your way in 2024

Anonymous said...

Our casino employees didn't even get a Christmas Dinner this year ! Are we hurting that bad ? A casino employee said our manager doesn't care about anything but making himself look good.

Anonymous said...

We need to have the casino run by an outside organization like how Rincon does...look how good they're doing. I just don't feel comfortable with Robert in the captain seat anymore..he's blowing it...and only looking out for himself...we need to do something people..he may be labeled our chairman but he's not looking out for us or the future of our business or our families

Anonymous said...

You were told that back before 2011 and you wouldn’t listened to it.

Anonymous said...

Thats what happens when you have your head in the ground,Im sure you are the same person who would not speak up about the disenrollments.reep what you soil

Anonymous said...

* reap what you sow

Anonymous said...

I hope Brandon and Carla will be able to help get our tribe headed in the right direction! Maybe we should concentrate on getting Sheila out next. What about getting Barnes in her spot ?

Anonymous said...

If you all want the needed change and are not chicken shit
figure out how to get Smith and Nieto out.
Thats the only way we will get the tribe back together as a whole.
Maybe smith will die before the next election.
The odds are in our favor that this will happen.

Anonymous said...

So why the concern at this time all of a sudden.Maybe you all should have showed the same concern when they were doing the illegal disenrollments.It is easy to put your sand in the ground.

Anonymous said...

The Disenrollments sucked, but those are in the passed. We need to look to the future. One step at a time.

Anonymous said...

Sure they are in the past if it dont affect you.cant have future if you dont cirrect the past!

Anonymous said...

But it did affect me personally. Quit assuming that everyone feels the same way you do.

Anonymous said...

All the cursed losses are a reminder that you can’t move on without atonement.

Anonymous said...

Going going gone.

Anonymous said...

If you don't fix the past there will be no future.
It's like putting a band aid on a cut that needed stitches.
It may heal but the scare will never go away.

Anonymous said...

There are many many wrong doings that have been done to our tribe ! They can never be undone.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys want to move back to Warners?

Anonymous said...

No we will stay here! Since we all know who this land rightfully belongs to. It's too bad the wrong people run pala. That will change though, half of you don't even know what's coming

Anonymous said...

The only good news that could happen in Pala is that Smiths obituary is published in the local newspaper along with Nieto's.

Anonymous said...

I don't wish that on their families...but for justice to be carried out and the wrongs made right and for the sake of the people who rightfully belong here and for those that shouldn't be here that have somehow staked claim should all be dealt with civilly. I feel that day is quickly approaching!!

Anonymous said...

I tried to get on the agenda to talk about some personal issues and was denied.
They said that personal issues aren't tribal business and
to contact the chairman's office and he would decide on the issues.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not even a community anymore just a business in their eyes…

Anonymous said...

Its Roberts world,the tribe just waits for their monthly goverment cheeze hand out.

Anonymous said...

Rob is the KING OF SHIT.
They should cut off his rotten legs and stick them up his ass.
He thinks no one will hurt him because he is in a wheelchair.
I would like to tie that wheelchair to my car with him in it and go as fast as possible up Pala Temecula Road so he could feel the
fear that he inflicts on tribal members.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What the F. I wanted to bet on the GD Chiefs to win the Super Bowl. Couldn’t find an app because I was in California. What is taking so long for this initiative? I wish they would’ve already passed it. Would’ve won some dam money on my CHIEFS! (Ps I love Native American mascots too). Go Chiefs!

Anonymous said...

That initiative is gonna shot down. Other tribes will lobby against it.

Anonymous said...

Robs got rotting legs? Hopefully he’s so immobile he shits and pisses his self and his whole family has to smell it.

Anonymous said...

Ashes to ashes dust to dust get rid of smith and nieto or your asses will bust.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Things do need to change but the comment above is pretty lame...let's all just hope that the truth come to the surface and that the way things have been getting done are over ....has anyone else noticed all the new people in Pala?? I used to know everyone and now I don't know anyone

Anonymous said...

I think with Robert Smith is done to everybody is lame.

Anonymous said...

@ March 7 10:20pm
That’s because Pala issues its own CDIBs now and can raise anyone’s blood degree for enrollment even if the BIA/ official CDIB says otherwise. Problem is not everyone outside Pala will accept these. When Rob and Nieto are out and an enrollment audit is done on everyone enrolled in the last 10 years they will be found out. It’s not everyone but most know the ones enrolled as adults or whose kids were all the sudden enrolled when there weren’t before for so long. Don’t believe they “found more blood”

Anonymous said...

Name them if your so smart

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that day is soon approaching. Things should be made right. There's people that rightfully belong here that have been ousted while others are here's gonna be hard days for the ones who know they don't belong...they know who they are..and we know how it feels, they'll be alright

Anonymous said...

Do you mean like the Riggs kids ?
The Duro kids ?
The Ravago kids ?

Anonymous said...

How is it that Ann Ynez is always having work done on her house ? Is she using all our Elders money for herself ? Is she an Elder ?

Anonymous said...

Must have hit a sensitive subject !

Anonymous said...

I think so as no one is commenting! The hard days are coming for them!!

Anonymous said...

It better happen soon. They will be turning 18 soon.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything going on in Pala ?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Pala Raceway is having Special Events every weekend ! Ask Tony Ravago how much money the Tribe made. He will say once again " We don't have those figures yet " Fn Liar

Anonymous said...

You all remember the time fat rob and his 1/2 brother andrew drove the fire truck through the flooded dip by the casino and it got swept away. Hes been making poor choices forever it seems.

Anonymous said...

Council member here. No one in the history of Pala has ever been “Wrongly unenrolled.” They have simply failed to suck the toes on Rob’s dead leg long enough to stay enrolled. What are you not understanding?

Anonymous said...

A quote I just heard: You don’t get to play with peoples life and then determine how they respond. You can pick your choice but you don't get to pick your consequence. Most know who this applies to.

Anonymous said...

I don’t understand. Pala tribal members were wrongly disenrolled. Thats why till this day nothing but hearsay or unproven documents has been shown as proof.

Anonymous said...

It was sarcasm.