This is an informational booklet on Margarita Brittain. She was a fullblood Kupa (Cupa, Cupeno) Indian from Warner's Hot Springs. Her and her children were removed from the village of Kupa at Warner's Hot Springs in 1903 during the Cupeno Trail of Tears. Margarita and her children received allotments at Pala and became part of the Pala Band of Mission Indians.
162 of Margarita Brittain's descendents were wrongly disenrolled from their tribe by Pala's Executive Committee. The preponderance of evidence demonstrates Margarita Brittain was a fullblood Kupa Indian and her descendents are entitled to be enrolled at Pala. The BIA Agrees.
Margarita Brittain Booklet
In 1903 the Agua Caleinte Cupeno were removed from their ancestral tribal home, the Village of Kupa also known as Warner's Hot Springs. The Cupeno were forced onto the Pala Indian Reservation. This is known as the Cupeno Trail of Tears. On June 1st, 2011 and February 1st, 2012 162 Warner Ranch Evictee Agua Caliente Cupeno were removed from the PBMI Association by the Pala Enrollment Committee. This is our Second Trail of Tears.