KRCR News - Tribe investigates misappropriation of funds
By Vienna Montague, Producer
Redding, CA - The Nomlaki Indian Tribe, also owners of Rolling Hills Casino, have suspended tribal members found guilty of embezzling more than $1 million.
Chairman Andy Freeman of the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, owner of Rolling Hills Casino in Corning said the theft and misappropriation of tribal funds were carried out by certain members of the Henthorne/Pata family.
The Henthorne/Pata family was suspended by a quorum of the Tribe’s General Council on April 12.
Chairman Freeman and other administrators met with the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office, Tehama County District Attorney, Corning Police Department and other officials to review the findings.
Read More Here - KRCR News - Tribe investigates misappropriation of funds
Other Related News:
Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians Tribal Council investigation reveals misappropriation of over $1 million of tribal funds by suspended members of Henthorne/Pata Family
From the above article:
Chairman Freeman stated, "The Tribe's General Council has taken decisive actions against those who have stolen and misappropriated tribal assets and will pursue all legal avenues for restitution."
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