In a draft proposed amendment circulated on 9/14/22 Robert Smith is seeking to alter Pala's Constitution with respect to Pala's membership. Particularly alarming is the language that reads "Membership in another tribe shall include actual membership in the tribe (such as inclusion on that tribe’s membership rolls) as well as an affirmative claim by the individual that he/she is a member of that tribe."
This language should ring the alarm bells of the people at Pala. First of all it is no longer clear who or what the "Pala Band" is. Prior to 1903 the Luiseno living at Pala had their own reservation. They are often referred to as "Old Pala" and are federally recognized as the Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pala Reservation. In 1903 several tribes were forcibly relocated to Pala on land bought that is adjacent to the Old Pala Reservation. These tribes include the Cupeno, Ipay (Digueno), and other various Indians such as Cahuilla and Yacqui.
In the 1960's an association was formed between all the tribes and Indians living at Pala so that economic development could be pursued. All of these tribes and groups together became known as the Pala Band of Mission Indians. However by 1978 the only tribe that was Federally Recognized was the Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians. This is evident by the fact that all the initial paperwork filed for the development of the casino at Pala was done under the name Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pala Reservation.
In 2015 the Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians changed their name to the Pala Band of Mission Indians. If this amendment passes what happens to everyone else with respect to membership? It is not uncommon to see people at Pala wearing Cupeno T-Shirts. Is this enough to get them disenrolled? People at Pala are of mixed ancestry. It is not uncommon for someone to say "my Grandfather was Yaqui and my Grandmother Cupeno". If Robert Smith overhears this can he then seek to disenroll people who make an "affirmative claim" about their ancestry? Are people no longer going to be able to say "I am Luiseno and Cupeno" or "I am Cahuilla and Iipay"? If this amendment passes will you then only be able to say "I am a Pala Band Member"? What happens to our heritage? What is a "Pala Band Member"?
It should also be mentioned that tribal rolls are strictly confidential. How Robert Smith intends to obtain the membership rolls of other tribes so he can cross-check them against the "Pala Band's" membership is not understood.
Another issue with respect to Constitutional Amendments is that an Election has to be held for the specific purpose of amending the Constitution. In an election to amend the Constitution at least 1/2 of the eligible members need to vote and 2/3 of that vote needs to be cast in favor of amending the Constitution. Pala has not had a legitimate election in over 20 years. It is doubtful this time around they will follow their own election rules spelled out in the Constitution with respect to Constitutional Amendments.
Robert Smith's Proposed Pala Constitutional Amendment
Draft 09/14/22
A The
membership of the Pala Band shall consist of Those persons whose
names appear on the Pala Allotment Roll as approved by the Secretary of the
Interior on April 12, 1895, and November 38,
19135, who were living on the date of
approval of the Pala Band’s original Articles of Association by the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs (the “Allotment Rolls”); the
Enrollment Rolls of November 3, 1913, November 26, 1961, and January 15, 1978,
and the current Enrollment Roll of the Pala Band.
B All
living descendants of persons on the Allotment Rolls covered in Section (1A)
above regardless of whether the original allottees are ancestor
is living or deceased, shall be eligible
for membership in the Pala Band, provided that they are direct
lineal descendants and have one-sixteenth (1/16) or more degree of Indian blood
of the Pala Band.
C Those persons who have been adopted
by the Pala Band shall be members of the Pala Band, provided that and such adoption has been approved by the Bureau
of Indian Affairs.
The Executive Committee shall keep the membership roll current
annually by striking
therefrom the names of persons who have relinquished in
writing their membership in the Pala Band
and of deceased mMembers upon receipt of a death certificate or other
evidence of death, arid by
adding the names of children born to members who meet the membership requirements.
No person may be a member of
the Pala Band Member who is a
member of any other Indian tribe that: is
federally recognized, claims to be federally
recognized, or is seeking federal recognition; or is state recognized.
Indian tribe or band. Membership in
another tribe shall include actual membership in the tribe (such as inclusion
on that tribe’s membership rolls) as well as an affirmative claim by the
individual that he/she is a member of that tribe. Should a member of
the Pala Band Member in any other tTribe
or Band, he/she shall immediately notify the Pala Band ofsuch other
enrollment. Enrollment in another Indian
tribe shall result in immediate and his/her membership in the Pala Band will
be deemed to have been relinquishmented of membership in the Pala
Band effective on as of the date of enrollment in the other Tribe or
Band regardless of whether or not the required notice is given.
If a member of another tribe or
Band is eligible for enrollment in the Pala Band and applies for
membership in the Pala Band, that person individual must relinquish his/her membership in
the other tTribe
or Band prior to being added to the membership rolls of the Pala Band and must
present the Pala Band with evidence satisfactory to the Pala Band of having
done so. Should a member of the Pala Band enroll in
any other Tribe or Band, he shall immediately notify the Pala Band of such
other enrollment and his/her membership in the Pala Band will be deemed to have
been relinquished effective on the date of enrollment in the other Tribe or
Band whether or not the required notice is given.
This Constitution shall become effective immediately after its approval by a majority vote of
the voters voting in a duly-called elections at which this Constitution is approved by the Bureau
of Indian Affairs.
This Constitution
may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the
Pala Band at an election duly-called for this purpose in
which not less than half of the eligible
members of the Pala Band cast their ballots.
Should proof read and correct all the mistakes before they send it to Washington.
The easiest way to defeat the amendments is don’t vote. If people don’t vote you can’t be counted towards the number of voters required to pass an amendment. Your vote never mattered for executive committee anyway. Robert just chooses who he wants so don’t vote this election.
It’s obvious what Robert is trying to do with this wording. We’ll continue trying to do: “claims to be federally recognized, or is seeking federal recognition; or is state recognized”. Either Robert has that much hatred or he is actually afraid of what is going on right now that he would try to change the tribes Constitution because of 1 person. I didn’t know he had that much power over Robert’s actions. If I was him I would actually feel kind of proud knowing a tribal chairman is going through that much just to hurt me. “Winning” LoL.
Also I noticed something on the Constitution that’s always been there and still is. It says for enrollment you must be a direct lineal descendant of at least 1/16. Not too long ago a disenrolled Britten showed me their CDIB the just got from the BIA and it showed he was 1/16 and a higher amount for total blood. I said he should turn that in for enrollment and he said he did ask for an application and took in his CDIB to the Admin and they said the BIA CDIB’s are incorrect. Hasn’t it been like 10 years so I would think the BIA with all their documentation and access to all tribes would have updated the issued CDIB if there was a correction. So it seems the Bureau of Indian Affairs and all other entities go by his current CDIB for native preferences and only Robert’s Pala does not. So either the entire native community and officials are wrong and only Robert’s Pala is right or it’s the other way around. I know I’m Pala too and I call it Robert’s Pala cause I’m referring to his part of the tribe with its made up rules that is not our Pala or the real Pala.
FYI heard through the grapevine that a blank vote is getting counted as a vote for the current members. I've personally seen this (illegal) practice done a few times. Write in any other enrolled Tribal member in that way it won't go towards Robber and his crew. As for the amendment, vote NO. Once again he's trying to get total control.
There is no hope left in Pala. Nobody runs for office because they know it’s pointless. Everyone is playing the waiting game.
Nothing but a bunch of sheep.
Just don’t vote. If there are not enough votes the amendments can’t pass.
Who is a Pala Indian. Those persons occupying old Pala are from Rincon. When it comes to determining blood of the band they get to count their Luiseno (Rincon) and Cupeno blood but Cupenos are not allowed to count their LuiseƱo blood. The Lugos are Cahuilla and they are allowed to use their Cahuilla blood but the Cupenos can’t count their Cahuilla blood. Is there something wrong here?
Pala, well I mean rob determines their own blood degrees now and do not have to go by the BIA’s CDIB’s. They can use whatever blood he wants to use in order to enroll whoever he wants. I should but don’t want to throw anyone’s name down but their kids were not enrolled as minors and now they are as adults? Well over 18 but I wouldn’t say adult. rob is making a tribe by picking and choosing members for support.
On another note if he wants an amendment to pass it will pass regardless if we vote or not.
Hope not there is a couple of good people in the election committee.
This is Willie Pink. No not the Willie Pink that Robert has told you that I am. I am the Willie Pink that fought to get your per capita raised when Leroy Miranda and Robert wanted to lower it from $1,500 per month to $500 per month. I stood up for you and got per capita raised to $5,000. It should have been $8,000 but Robert lied about the reserve account so you voted to accept the $5,000. Because I and others have kept pressure on Robert and exposed him whenever we could we have been able to hold back his greed and theft to lower levels. In 2011 the FBI confirmed that Robert had already stolen $1.2 billion from the tribe. That has to easily exceed $2 billion by now. Robert has taken out another $100 million loan. How do I know? All you have to do is go on to the website of the National Indian Gaming Commission and type Pala in the search bar and the loan information is there. This makes about the 8th time Robert has borrowed $100 million. He doesn’t have to pay it back, the tribe does. He uses the expense to hold your per cap down. Because we know this and more about Robert he has proposed an illegal amendment to his illegal constitution so he can disenroll me. Even if I get disenrolled I will not stop exposing Robert’s activities. As a matter of fact, if am disenrolled the gloves will come off and we will begin exposing all of Robert’s activities. I have stood up for you. Now I ask that you stand up for me and vote no against Robert’s proposed and illegal amendments. Thank you.
Vote No
What has Willie Pink done or what does he know about Robert that would make Robert go through all this trouble just to silence him. It must be something or Robert would just ignore him. Dictators always try to silence dissension and this just seems like the same case of someone in power with something to hide who is trying to silence those who are speaking out against them.
Vote No
Probably because Robber is going to snitch on all the people he's been paying off, including his whole family when he gets arrested. What I don't understand is how Domingo Moro's descendants are enrolled using his bloodline which he himself gave up all his Pala blood and rights not only for himself but his descendants. Legally they cannot count Domingos blood. Grapevine word is Robert is claiming Andrew Moro's blood which he has no right to.
According to the BIA, via a phone call on Tuesday the 15th at 11am.
They stated that according to the constitution for the pala band that anything that has to do with the constitution has to be done by a special meeting for that purpose only and that if anything appears on the ballots concerning the Bands constitution would not be legal in standing because the ballots should only contain the names of the members that are running for a seat on the EC and a space for a write-in
and nothing more or less.
Also stated that if this were to pass at the tribal it would more than likely not be approved at the BIA level
because it has to be at a special meeting and that at least 2/3 of the adult members "MUST" vote in a special meeting to amend the Bands constitution.
The BIA has said that it would like to view a blank ballot
for this election and so they should receive it by tomorrow afternoon as it was sent today.
If anyone would bother to check the birth record of Roberts mother, they would see that her father is unknown and so that alone cuts Robert's blood in half from what he claims.
Also factor in the Smith bloodline that he claims from his great grandfather is null and void because his grandfather gave up all of his rights many years ago and this also includes any and all of his grandfather's children and that bloodline stop cold in its tracks at that point and time.
So that means that Robers blood line for a member of the Pala Band is that he does not have enough pala blood to be a member of pala.
Anyone can do their own research and the outcome will be the same that he does not belong on the rolls of the PBMI.
His Mother should be considered half with if that is the case. And that is according to Robers own conclusion that he has used against the Britten family.
His mother could only be considered half if her mother was full-blooded Blacktooth, otherwise he has even less blood, definitely Domingo Moro's children/grands, etc. cannot use his blood quantum since he gave up all his rights. That includes a lot of people.
Why does everyone keep saying Domingo Moro's bloodline cannot be included, that he gave up his rights? What does that mean, how exactly does an Indian change his bloodline by giving up his rights? What rights did he give up? How does giving up rights negate your blood quantum? Just curious.
Adolfo Moro was half Spanish and half Wappo Indian. They were from Napa County area. The name Moro comes from them borrowing the name Morio and was misspelled as Moro on the census records. So there is no Cupeno blood there. Domingo cheated the Cupeno by not telling them that the Secretary of the interior had set aside the Cupeno village for Indian occupation. Domingo claimed the land for himself. He registered the homestead as a Copa Indian. A tribe he made up so he could qualify for the homestead. By accepting the homestead he became a US citizen and gave up any and all rights to tribal membership. That is why he was never enrolled at Pala. He later sold the land for $20,000. What more is there to be said except true to their legacy the Moro family continues to steal from the Cupeno when they themselves have absolutely no claim as Cupeno. Almost as bad as the Nolasquez Yaqui.
The amendments did not pass!!!!
So Robert has decided to share his profits from his online gambling site with tribe. The question is whether or not there will be a regular Christmas bonus too. If there is no Christmas bonus then it is all smoke and mirrors again. There should be the profit sharing and a Christmas bonus too. Don’t let Robert blow smoke in your eyes again.
According to someone close with close ties to the EC the
Amendments did not pass after all the votes were tallied up.
How trure is this i don't know you know how rummers spread.
If anyone knows for sure, please post it. thanks.
Well the grinch has honored his word and looked down upon all The Who in whoville and said you deserve an honest bonus for a change. Happy Thanksgiving merry Christmas and let’s have a fantastic new year.
Does anyone have a video of the incident that took place at the Sullivan today in Bonsall?
if you do please let someone know so we can use it the get that Fowler dude arrested for abusing a minor by putting his hand on a student and pinning him up against the wall by force.
He needs to be fired from being the principle at that school
for allowing his staff to let this get out of control.
And the white lady that pushed down a couple Indian students
should also be arrested for putting her hands on a minor and pushing them and yelling that their song's and their culture was dumb.
If they are not arrested and removed from the Sullivan and removed from the Sullivan School, then all the Native American parents that have students at the school need to contact news outlets including all local tv news stations and tell them the true facts about what happened and then stage a pertest at the school until Mr. Fowler is arrested and fired.
Also we are supposed to a have a tribal member on the school board at Bonsall, but he will more than likely not do ant thing about because he is a big ass kisser to Fowler and the rest of the staff at the school. I don't know how he was even allowed to be on the school board in the first place because of his criminal background in Arizona. Fowler needs to get his ass kicked for what he did. And then telling a parent to go ahead and try to file charges against him and he will say than the student assaulted him first. he is a loser.
I think that Mr. Fowler need to get his ass kicked for his lying and putting his hands on a student by force.
If the tribe in pala doesn't get to the bottom of this issue
I think that for the safety of the students' parents should protest this issue and contact all the news media that will listen to them and go public to expose the school district
and their staff at Sullivan Middle School, mainly the principal Mr. Fowler.
Since your making accusations and giving names who were the students and what do they and their parents say or want done
I heard that there is going to be a meeting with parents and school staff sometime next week.
Maybe then everything will come to a head.
One of the students has a fractured hand because of Fowler pinning him against the wall and I hope his parents press charges against the school. The principle should have never put his hands on a student like he did that should be considered child abuse. Also, I hope that the students' parents make the school district pay for his medical bills at the hospital for his cast.
It all started because of one or two white students making fun of the bird singers at the ceremony that was put on at the Sullivan middle school and then one of parents was telling the people that the ceremony was stupid as were the songs by the bird singers. And that lady was seen shoving a native student to the ground.
This is a real bad issue and needs to be solved before things get way out of hand. Those that were making fun of the native American ceremony need to grow up and learn to respect other people's customs and traditions. This lady even used the "N" word describing one of the Native American students and that is not acceptable and is very racist on her part.
The Checks we are receiving from the sale of the on line gambling will be separate from the Christmas Bonus ! The tribe voted for the Christmas Bonus when we voted for the $5000 every 3 months š
Thats why they are calling tomorrows check a bonus check.
Are they giving them out at the ADMIN tomorrow ?
Was that second payment the Christmas bonus?
That's what I was told.
So I guess they still owe us another round of $17,000.
We will see how honest the EC is.
No one says anything they will get away with it
In another post, someone estimated that if you take the $170,000,000 and divided by the estimated tribal member count, each would get an excess of $235,000 each. So, when will the remaining 230,000 be distributed or did the SHAREHOLDERS keep the remaining $154,000,000? Will the executive committee disclose what they received above and beyond what us regular members received? I just checked the SEC filings and it does say that Boyd Gaming paid $170,000,000. If I don't get my fair and equitable share, does that mean someone stole my money? If the tribes has to pay Jim Ryan a share, u understand, but still there seems to be something wrong with the math the tribal treasurer used to determine my share. Any thoughts on how I can get an accurate accounting of the money that is due to me? Am I missing something?
I believe any amendment to the constitution should include term limits. Allow new leaders to emerge with hope for some new beginnings.
We don’t know all the terms of the Pala Interactive deal, that much is true. But, taking all the money and dividing it equally among members, and then just handing it out, before paying the banks and the bills? That is not responsible. I support our EC on this decision. Our debt should always be paid down first, before taking any profit. My biggest concern is not the amount of bonus we received (I’m grateful). My biggest concern is: where will the bonus money come from next year? Other tribes issue bonuses from their casino business. I hear Rincon had a massive bonus based on their on-going businesses. We didn’t do that. We issued a bonus based on a one-time sale. If our casino did not produce a bonus this year, will it be able to produce a bonus next year? I don’t know. I hope so. I believe we should move our casino to a new location š
Think you should check the NIGC to see how many loans Smith got approved using Casino revenue as a guarantee.
He is getting loans and PBMI is on the hook to repay the loans.
Me and my family were disenrolled with everyone else in 2012 when I was a kid. Did DNA and ancestry testing and even as a newer generation I'm still within the 1/16. Absolute bullshit all around as always.
Don't lose hope 2:03.
When smith is either arrested, voted out, or dies things will be back to normal. I hope its the third option.
Then the tribe can get that forensic Audit that needs to be done and that will get rid of Nieto.
These two are the reason that the disenrollment's were done in the first place.
But they don't realize that they set a president to oust
their own family members when an honest EC takes over.
They can't live forever.
Whichever one leaves is gone first it will be funny to watch because. the one that stays will throw the one that left under the bus after an Audit is done. Robert will say that Nieto was the one in charge of the financial duties of the tribe. and he wasn't aware of what was going on in that department. And if Nieto stays, she will say that she was only following the Chairmans directions as to what should be recorded or just put in the trash bend.
If either one of them has nothing to hide, then way don't they put the put the general membership at ease and agree to a forensic audit of all the bands finances.
Does anyone know if Rob and his personal accountant AKA treasurer are still claiming profits are down or just breaking even every month as an excuse to keep percap and bonuses low while everyone else is getting raises and large bonuses. Just FYI… 2021 was a record breaking year for several casinos and continued through 2022. Hmmm
Robert had to cover up multiple things he has done in this life.. creator is all seeing.. What is done in darkness will always come to light! Every form of energetic thoughts, emotions, bad intentions/actions, good intentions/actions, they all go full circle! Robert what you have done in the darkness is coming to light swift and steadfast as it returns it collects the collateral effects so when it reaches you Robert smith it will take collateral onto you and your bloodline multiplied by the power of ten! And so it shall be, and so it is!
How are some of Marissas kids enrolled? Their dad is 1/32 pala right possibly less since his family can’t use their Cahuilla blood or their luiseno blood they’re using all cupeno blood.. ok so judging from Nichole and Jeff not being enrolled that would mean marissa is 1/16th, she drops 1/32 to her kids and he drops 1/64.. make this make sense on how they’re able to be enrolled???
I wonder if this had to do with a certain coverup of what Robert smith and some other well known tribal males did when they were younger(all his main guys/his family).. then these people put on a show saying they support MMIW, do they only support that cause off California reservations? I didn’t know you could hit pause on supporting a cause, especially when pala has been given several grants for domestic violence, several grants to pala to give resources along with emergency necessities any sort of aid for domestic violence victims. Yet there’s no resources on the pala website the links just take you around in circles without ever helping get the funding needed in an emergency. So you won’t support MMIW on your own reservation the one you’re a supposed “leader” of but just to be trendy and look good in public view you’ll throw money all sorts of ways.. why did that alliance called strong hearts website go down, why couldn’t i find help on that site either? Oh pala had money running through there.. gotcha! They say don’t leave a paper trail Robert, You shouldn’t leave a cookie trail either or IP-frequency trail, nor should you use your government property phone to do any business.. you know if you’re logged into your work emails even on your private phone- if something were to happen your personal phone now becomes company phone.. if complaints of laundering, grand theft, felony fraud, or even something simple like degrading an employee in an e-mail or slandering any tribal member or employee that was sent with your work email to another’s work email like let’s say Robert smiths work phone email/texting also, Marcus orozco’s work phone email/text and Samantha Scott’s work phone email/text if a tribal member could request a subpoena for the call logs, text logs, data logs, all account information.. if someone had just one piece of evidence then that fbi agent they spoke about could take all their phones in for evidence— cool thing about iPhones, internet,iCloud and cell towers is virtually everything is stored and obtainable, even texts from back in the Nextel days.. so with all that said back to my original topic- how does a 1/64 and a 1/32 make a 1/16?
Thats true even her kid that she had with Juan Luna is enrolled and Juan has zero bloodline to claim.
There must be some hanky pranky somewhere because her brother Toby Ravago's kids aren't enrolled either.
I guess rape does pay.
Robert Smith said he is glad that Mr. Lavato passed away before the new elections come because he was worried that Mr. Lavato would run against him and beat him.
Heard that Mike Perolta in Pala said Codie Maxey is a punk.
and says that he would KO Codie in less than one minute.
Why is Mike saying these things?
Does anyone know why.
I put my money on Codie. Perolta is just an oversized frog
who likes to push his shit around people and kids that are afraid of him because of his size.
The same thing goes for his son that got whipped up at the Cupa Days. They talk big but can't back it up.
Stop this nonsense. Don’t be making grammas cry.
Cody Maxey would make him cry like a little baby which
would be a blessing to some people.
Looks like someone is tired of Robert Smiths bullshit.
According to the crime reporting web site someone threatened
him on the 28th at about 11:36 AM per the crime site.
It took place at 35300 Smith Lane. There are only 2 homes on smith ln which is only about 100 yards long. The site states that someone threatened or assaulted an official or committee member with harm and he is the only one that has that title that lives there.
I wonder why it took so long to get at him.
I am sure that the tribal members will bail the person out of jail when he is arrested.
How in hell did Wayne Nelson get enrolled in Pala after being enrolled in La Jolla sense he was a baby.
I thought that the Bands constitution didn't allow that.
And now he is running for seat the EC. Something just doesn't sound right here.
I think that Rob is up to some sneaky bullshit again.
But this time he will go down along with his minions.
He thinks that he has gotten away with everything, but he couldn't be more wrong. Same goes for his corrupt partner,
Theresa J. Nieto. So, we will just sit back and see what happens next. Probably will not be any Christmas bonus either.
This is from October 2021 and he was still enrolled at La Jolla then.
Wayne Nelson, 41, of Pala, has been appointed to the California Native American Heritage Commission. Nelson is an enrolled member of the La Jolla Band of LuiseƱo Indians and has been Culture Resource Manager at Native Ground Monitoring, Research and Consulting since 1999.
The Nelson’s are good people but nobody gets enrolled without RS approval so what did his enrollment cost him?
If he had any sense he would have declined. So no sense.
Leroy Miranda is now in HOSPICE CARE after a long battle of
doing what he did as vice chairman in Pala.
And soon it will hit the other two remaining evil ones that are still on the list, the chairman and the treasure.
What about Dion and Kilma? Are they exempt from karma? Or should they be expecting some soon.
So yes, Dion and Kilma should start to worry.
However, I think that Robert Smith or Nieto will be the next
ones to pay through Carma. It is just a matter of time until
they pay the ultimate price for destroying the customs and
traditions of the Pala Band of Mission Indians.
Yeah a FREEMAN PASSED. King karma. Rippin off the people no good.
@ 11:51 PM
With that being said what do you think about King Pig Face
and Owl Face Nieto ripping off the people..
PALA Band of Mission Indians. Moro go and Cahuilla are not Mission Indians.
If you go back and look at some of the amendments that were made you will see that they were signed by only two E/C members. I thought that any amendments were to be signed by the whole EC members upon approval of the general membership.
Morongo and Cahuilla has lost another one.
I can’t thank you enough for making this blog, you did good. klb99, KLB99
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