I was emailed the flyers below. I hope the People of Pala vote for change this time. 17 years is too long for someone to be in office especially with such a terrible track record.
Barbara Hutton Flyer
Theresa Nieto Flyer
In 1903 the Agua Caleinte Cupeno were removed from their ancestral tribal home, the Village of Kupa also known as Warner's Hot Springs. The Cupeno were forced onto the Pala Indian Reservation. This is known as the Cupeno Trail of Tears. On June 1st, 2011 and February 1st, 2012 162 Warner Ranch Evictee Agua Caliente Cupeno were removed from the PBMI Association by the Pala Enrollment Committee. This is our Second Trail of Tears.
Theresa is not serious? Her actions contradict her entire letter. She only speaks up when members question why there is no money and she says well you always ask for bonuses and percap is not guaranteed. Her 17 years of experience will help us....Umm look what she has done the last few years under her watch. Exhaust the tribal accounts, lowered percap and bonuses several times. Allowed Pala to pay millions for Pala Interactive with NO RETURN for the people. Lost all the disenrolled minors accounts? How do you lose over $6 million dollars of minors percap money that should have gone back into percap and been paid out as a bonus?? Theresa can you answer these questions? It’s laughable when she says she has an open door policy and we can go over financial documents and look at paperwork. Wow I’m gonna have to walk into the finance dept and try this one. Look what 17 years is starting to do for the tribe. It’s time for some new blood someone with an actual degree in finance and experience working with other financial issues outside the tribes books. I bet my next check if we get a new treasurer (Robert cannot allow this to happen) that new treasurer will have problems finding ALL documents and some will be “misplaced” never to be seen again. I believe Barbara can fix Pala’s financial issues so we should give her a chance and see what she can do.
What about Canon Moro, isn’t he running for Treasurer also? Barbara and Canon need to talk about backing one or the other so they don’t split the votes. Only having two people running is better cause then it’s one or the other. The ones who see the status quo is not working and Pala needs some new blood dealing with our finances. Or the nieto supporters who either don’t care about the state Pala is in or just blindly follow a family member and what smith says regardless of the condition of the tribe. Percap is getting cut again in January under Theresa’s watch. We need a change.
I agree that Cannon should think about this very carefully because splitting the votes will cause Nieto to win by a landslide.
I think that Barbara Hutton would be a better fit than Cannon because of her experience in the financial industry.
She has the skills to move Pala in a more favorable manner.
She has more degrees in finance than I have seen in many years and I think that I will have to put friendships aside and have my family and friends vote for Barbara Hutton.
I feel that it is very important to vote for the person that is more experienced and can do the job that requires the skills that Barbara Hutton has.
So with that being said I say vote with you brain and not just because you are friends with someone running for that spot on the EC.
What I like about Barbara is the fact that she is totally honest and will be the same way to all Tribal Members.
And also the experience that she has working at the Pala Casino will be an asset for the Tribe because she knows what takes place in the financial aspect of our Casino.
So please vote for Barbara Hutton if you want the needed change that we need in Pala other wise you can look forward to more lies, more fake financial statements, more DISENROLLMENTS when the EC thinks that your are against them and more hidden money that belongs to you.
Vote her in and say goodby to Nieto and her theifing corrupt ways, and say hello to a new and needed start with a new Treasurer, Barbara Hutton who is a dedicated Tribal Member with experience and Degrees to move us forward.
Think about this cannon because we need a change and Barbara will do a great job.
Not that you can't do a good job but her experience out weighs feelings at this point and time.
She can win this if you get your family and friends to see the facts and the outcome of voting for her.
So if you really want change please think about this very seriously for the betterment of the tribe.
Thank you Cannon for your understanding.
Why didn't Nieto put her name anywhere on her flyer.
is she that confident that she will win.
What a dumb BITCH, she has no clue what she is doing as Treasurer
except how to disenroll and steal money, and lie.
She has managed to lie her way through the last 17 years as treasurer
and now we have had enough of her "BULLSHIT" and we need a change for the good of the entire Tribe.
VOTE FOR CHANGE AND ELECT BARBARA HUTTON for treasurer and start the healing for our tribe.
If anything Cannon should talk with his family members and have them vote for Mrs. Hutton for Tribal Treasurer.
Otherwise the voting will be split and Nieto will stay on the EC.
Hutton has a lot of experience behind her and is capable of taking over the day to day task at the financial office.
Cannon is a good person and has good intentions but the experience level between the two is what matters now.
I hope to see a change this election for the betterment of the PBMI and the replacement of the treasurer Nieto.
However we must vote for the person that has the ability to take the bull by the horns and move forward without any disruptions.
And that's where I think that Barbara Hutton would fit in perfectly.
So with that being said I hope that Cannon Morro will see that he should turn his support and his family's support toward Barbara Hutton
and we will get the needed change that we all pray for.
Why don't you discuss this directly with Kannon, rather than put your thoughts on a blog? Be a man/woman of action! I don't think he is very hard to find.
If you remember Theresa had no experience at all. Things have gone downhill to the point where everyone is aware of the corruption within the EC and many are tired of it. There is no reason for the Tribe to have jets, fake winery, where is the money from the avocados, alfalfa, rental from Dennis Turner for keeping his cattle on the ranch.....so much unanswered crap. I've personally heard Theresa say a few years ago she wanted out. Kannon has experience and education to be able to do the job. My concern with Barbara is can Robert bribe her too? Does she have the balls needed to just say NO to Robert? Get rid of all the "extras" not needed, make Robert accountable for all the monies he spends. Get rid of the so called Tribal members he enrolled for votes, go through thoroughly the records which should re-enroll at least some of the disenrolled, give the Tribal members whose rights taken away given back. Remember, you can write in anybody's name for Chair you don't have to vote for Robert.
Maybe you set the bar too high with the expectations of what a new Treasurer can accomplish. On the other hand the Pala EC has set itself up as the Enrollment Committee and the Gaming Authority so the Treasurer has multiple functions to perform. A review of the enrollment is a good idea just to make sure that all members can be traced back to the 1895 and 1913 Allotment Rolls with the sufficient blood degree. Even more important is that the enrollment policy is applied fairly and consistently to all members.
Making Robert accountable for all the monies he spends is not enough. The Treasurer should provide accurate reporting of all income, expenses, profit, and loss to the General Council, not just what Robert spends. There should be Return on Investment analysis for all the Band's ventures. There should be a spending analysis prepared for the administration budget, as well as a cost reduction plan that will take the Band out of the so-called financial hardship with which it has been afflicted.
There needs to be some kind liability reporting so the General Council can get a grip on any loans or obligations, as well as a full prospectus on Pala Interactive.
Interestingly enough neither of the candidates for Treasurer has made any effort to create a platform or a policy statement that describes the actions they propose to take if elected. How the hell can either of them get elected without any kind of evidence that they understand that the current financial condition of the Band is a disaster and that there needs to be some plan in place that will end the financial hardship and provide for responsible fiscal management.
Really. These flyers are a joke. Neither of these candidates know a thing about running a Band's finances. Nieto is a complete and utter failure whose main claim to fame is hiding stolen money from the Band. Barbara Hutton has some credibility at least as far as reporting functions go if her resume is honest, and not everyone's is. I think accurate reporting is a good thing but it is not the same as making sound financial decisions. That requires experience in a position with spending authority and a record of positive results.
The General Council should request an open debate and be able to ask hard questions before making an informed choice.
And the same goes for Robert Smith.
He should hold a face off with the Members and made to answer questions from the General Membership before the elections take place.
He will never agree to such a meeting with the Membership without Nieto by his side to help him answer questions.
That's because she runs Robert Smith for some reason.
Maybe she has some real dirty shit on him or she just likes little short legged fat men.
That must be it, look at her husband, he is about the same height as Smith, their legs are about the same and they both walk around like their shit doesn't stink and they both think that they are better than the Tribal Members that live in Pala.
I say beat their asses real good and remind them that we are all equal
and we are tired of their black balling ways.
Beat them real good and then beat their other half's like they are a red headed step child.
Just because Robert Smith is the only one running for Chairperson doesn't mean you have to vote for him. There is still a write-in option. I suggest you write in Peter Trujillo for Chair. Show the BIA that Robert does not have the support of the people. He cheats, lies, steals, murders, drug deals, is a racist and deceives. Oh wait a minute that's Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the real chair of Pala. How sad. Write in any name for chair. Robert could lose this way. Remember he is going to lower per capita because of his mismanagement. There will be no Christmas bonus. We are on the losing end. Time to make him the loser.
Just vote. And no don't write in any bullshit Trujillo. Haha I vote Theresa again.
Ah ha so the morongos do read this site.
@ 10:42 AM oh look you are out of jail, so you can come on here and make your rude comments, keep it up, your Karma is coming. Robert won't be able to bail you out every time, can't wait until you are in your nice warm cell and all the members find out how much he has given to your lawyers and your family behind the members backs, then watch your kids take the punishment, they will only have you to blame. It will happen. Hahahahahaha
@ 10:42
Go stick your head back up smiths ass where it belongs like the rest of the shit that seems to like him.
What are you afraid of.
Maybe new blood on the EC might harm your enrollment status and you just might get disenrolled if new blood takes over.
You can't blame anyone but the current EC for that. They are the ones that made it possible for future disenrollments.
So go back to where you belong or get what you deserve.
Theresa Nieto should run for Mayor in Mexico.
She seems to be attracted to short legged little men like her Husband
and Robert Smith.
We don't want her in Pala anymore she has used to many Tribal Members for her own corrupt agenda.
Its time to cut the strings that runs the EC like little puppets.
Who for chairman ? Obviously not this year but who do we wanna see ?
at least Pete Trujillo sr would give the power back to the General
Membership on all decisions concerning the Tribes future.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Be brave and make the change!
I don't know Barbara personally, her resume looks good however I heard some disturbing news. From what I understand from others to vote her in is basically voting in a younger version of Theresa. That has me concerned. We need someone who will stop Robert in his tracks,especially with his so called investments which NONE has panned out. We need someone who is not afraid to investigate where the money is and notify the Tribe of their findings. I'm leaning towards Kannon. He has financial experience and full on knowledge of the casino and what's been happening there. People, it's the Management, not the employees, but yet they're the ones paying the price. Everything is tied together with the current EC,so please people think hard about it. Do we really want a younger version of Theresa back in? Might as well vote for Theresa again.
Question for the Members of PBMI.
Why are you so afraid of a change in your Tribal government?
Even when some members are willing to step up to the challenge you start speaking negative things.
Turn it around and make the needed change for your Tribe and support the ones that are willing to take the plunge for you.
I know Barbara Hutton and have for over 40 years and she is nothing like Theresa Nieto.
She is honest and truly cares for the people of the PBMI.
And as for Pete Trujillo running as a write in hopeful on the Ballot,
I think that with the support of the General Membership that he would be a welcome change for the PBMI.
Sure there are some who question his motives to be on the EC but he has expressed over the years that he could turn around the Tribe for the better if he was the Chairman.
He has said time and time again that the people need to be the ones that should be making the decisions for the Tribe like it was in the early years.
Sure times change but that is no reason to put all the power in a single group.
Give the man a chance to prove that he is what the Tribe needs to make them prosper like he says.
The General Membership would have full control of his actions and the actions of the entire EC once he is in and takes the oath for the Chairmanship.
Don't be fooled anymore write him in as a write in for Chairman and make you voice be heard by everyone.
He doesn't sit on any boards now so he will have the time to focus so on the Tribal issues at hand.
By him willing to give the power back to the people is a huge asset from the get go.
Look what a great job that his half brother made for Palm Springs.
That was Richard Milonivitch who passed away a few years ago.
It’s hard to tell if the person running for office truly is honest and wants to make a difference and change things for the better or they just want to be in Roberts in crowd and enjoy the perks. What’s the saying “if you can’t beat them, join them” well that’s a saying for the weak minded who give up. Example’s are Villa and Maxcey who some members who voted for them thought they were getting on the EC to change things but they just kept things status quo! In Maxcey’s case he got sucked right in enjoying the private jet and perks on the tribes dime. Barbara does sound like a good replacement for Nieto but I know for a fact Kannon will not give in to Robert. One thing I do know for a fact is Robert cannot I repeat cannot allow nieto to be replaced. If someone outside his circle became treasurer and all the sudden had access to all of Pala’s financial records and statements he would be finished. So I repeat Robert cannot and will not allow someone else to replace Theresa. They’ve had a plan in place for years to ensure they stay in office during the elections. They cannot risk everything they have done by an election.
Both Kannon and Barbara both have the credibility to act as Treasure, more than Theresa did when she first started however I too have concerns about whether or not Barbara not being aggressive enough. Any other time I would go with her but someone outside of Robert's circle is needed to clean up Robert and Theresa's mess and get this Tribe back in the black. That person is Kannon. Robert won't mess with him, and Kannon can't be bought.
If Pete Trujillo wins as a writer in candidate then Barbara Hutton will have a chance to do a good job without Robert'Smith influence. I agree with poster who says that Smith won't allow Nieto to be replaced. Look forward to another fixed election. Maybe you can have a few trustworthy members hang around during the ballot count and make sure it is honest. Bet Pala Security will be there to make sure the crooks win.
The big difference between Nieto and Barbara Hutton is that Barbara Hutton is a true Cupeno and Nieto is Morongo.
So wouldn't you prefer a Cupa blood treasurer over a Morongo blood
@ R&R
If Pete Trujillo was to win as a write in for Chairman Robert Smith would probably die of a massive heart attack.
If Pete doesn't win I bet he gets a lot of votes.
Why didn't anyone nominate him at the meeting then we would have seen a real close run between him and Robert.
I know for sure that Pete has a lot of people that would have backed him up.
Barbara Hutton isn’t Cupeno.
You must be young, otherwise you would know that the Lugo's are also Barkers which are from Pala. Not trying to stick up for her because I truly believe she needs to go. However we need someone who will stand up to Robert and out of the 2 candidates, Kannon will stand up to him. Not sure if Barbara will.
Barker was a white man married to a Cahuilla. No Cupeño there.
Why is everyone avoiding the real issues here. The casino is going broke under Robert Smith. Our per cap will be going down. We have no alternative sources of income. Most of the businesses operate for the benefit of Teresa and Robert. It is almost too late for a change now but we must try. One more term for Robert and Teresa and we will be bankrupt. That is the truth and everyone wants to just stick their heads in the sand and hope it gets fixed on its own. Vote for anyone but Robert and Teresa. You need to vote or they will just win again. Big news that Robert went in to the casino and demanded a check for $100,000 and got it. He took his bonus early but will not give us one. WAKE UP PALA.
She says Raymond (Juggy of Jughead) Magee is her father. That means she is Old Pala, descendant of Prudence Golsch.
If you don't use the write in option on the voting ballot for the Chairman spot you will be stuck with Robert Smith for another 3 years of lies, theft, corruption, murder, drugs, DISENROLLMENTS, and a lot more.
Use this chance to finally get Smith out of the EC and seat a new Chairman who would be fair to all members and not just a chosen few
that support lies, theft , corruption , murder, drugs, DISENROLLMENTS
and who knows what else.
Listen to what your brain is telling you and get the needed change for your Tribe before it is to late to do anything but wipe away the
Write in Peter Trujillo sr for Chairman and support him and his effort to do the best for the Tribe on all decisions made for a new future and prosper to the highest point in the history of PBMI.
Know matter how you feel about Peter it's time to make that change
and move forward and help your Tribe to better the future for ALL
Tribal Members equally.
Uhhhhh, if it's true, that's grounds for terminating his Chairmanship. Is there evidence? Needs to be brought up. Don't blame the employees, blame the management and Robert.
It is really funny that no one pays any attention to what the Casino
staff has to say about Robert Smith.
They say that he is a pain in the ass when he drinks at the Casino bar.
He likes to throw his weight around and lets the staff members that he is in charge and can fire them on the spot.
And that he also speaks badly about certain families on the Reservation.
When are you Tribal Members going to put a stop to his bullshit and get him out of the Tribal Government.
He is nothing without the title of Chairman.
So save your Casino and dump his lard ass ASAP.
I heard that one of those Magees was adopted, and is not even Cupeno, but all of his childrsn, grand children and great-grandchildren are enrolled. I cannot remeber his name, but he was adopted by Mr. Magee and his wife back in the 1930s.
I believe his name was Raymond Magee sr.
The father of Don Magee and Dennis (Ebro)Magee and Raymond (Juggy) Magee.Also the brother of Paul Magee and brother Bob Magee, sister Ines who was enrolled in Pechanga she was the mother of Delores Calac
and Roy Calac (Rincon).
If that is true then Barbara can't run for office. Again a hard look needs to be done with enrollment and tracking bloodlines. Also why wasn't anything said until now? Is it because Barbara is considered a threat to Theresa?
Well, if he was adopted how is he and his kids enrolled. I believe they said he was from Torres Martinez originally and was adopted, meaning no Cupeno or Luiseno blood. TM are Cahuilla.
What is up with all this bullshit about yes no or maybe so.
Is it because Mrs. Hutton is a threat to Theresa Nieto so the Nieto followers are coming up with this bullshit all of a sudden.
This is what I think should happen.
If you think that Cannon Morro is a better choice for treasurer then vote for Cannon.
If you think that Barbara Hutton is a better choice with her experience then vote for Barbara Hutton.
There is no reason to drag anyone through the mud because you are afraid that they may very well beat Nieto this election.
Nieto needs to be replaced because she is not a fair person and acts like she is better than any Tribal Member of PBMI.
She bold face lies to the people and she expects their vote this year
and yet she shows no signs of changing her ways for the betterment of the Tribe.
She has had chance after chance to be honest but she wouldn't know honest if it slaped her in the face.
I agree with the above person, there is no reason for mud slinging unless you're feeling desperate. I will say with confidence that it is the Robert and Theresa's followers starting with all this crap because they are threatened. It is only shining the light as to WHY ARE THEY SO SCARED? Is it because they don't want to be caught? I agree, vote for either Kannon or Barbara, simply because Robert and Theresa don't want someone else in that position.
I already said Barbara Hutton is a descendant of Prudence Golsch who was Old Pala. Prudence Golsch was married to Raymond Magee. Raymond Magee was adopted by Robert Magee.
I agree with the post by 8:06 AM,
Just goes to show you how Robert and Nieto think.
They don't care about the PBMI they are only worried about protecting their asses from getting caught for their corruption against the PBMI.
That just goes to show you people that you need a change in your Tribal Government.
Don't be afraid to make that change this election.
You have the chance to change things for the betterment of the PBMI.
Vote in either Barbara Hutton or Cannon Morro to replace Theresa Nieto and use the write in space to elect a new Chairman.
It seems that Mr. Trujillo sr. would be a good choice for a replacement for Robert Smith.
A big plus is that if elected he is willing to give the power back to the General Membership like it is supposed to be.
Think about this option because if there is no change you people will have nothing to look forward to in the near future except more lies and more cover ups from the current leaders to get there own agenda
funded or passed without the consent of the General Membership.
AT least with Trujillo in, the Members will have there voice back and be able to be more involved in the business of the Tribal Finances
and Investments and many other decisions for the betterment of the entire Tribe.
Don't be afraid to back him up if he is willing to take the plunge
for you Members.
The timing is perfect for the needed change or be stuck with the same BS for another 2-3 years if you let this go on like it is.
Now is the time to stop the corruption. You need to ask yourself, do we want a Chairman who goes to the casino and asks for a $100,000 check whenever he wants? Do we want a Treasurer who hides his and possibly her indescrepency? There is so much corruption within the EC the Administration building stinks. Time to bring back the people, get rid of both of them.
Barbara Hutton or Cannon Morro Treasurer its your choice.
And write in Peter Trujillo sr. for Chairman, a must.
I am sure that if Peter Trujillo sr. gets in as a write in for
Chairman that he would agree to have an Audit done as soon as he is sworn in as the new chairman.
This would be great chance for the PBMI to see for sure what was happing as far as the finances are concerned.
Be smart and use the write in space and write in Peter Trujillo sr.
for Chairman.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Cannon Moro,would not know how to fix,the problems that Theresa has done,vote for Barbara
I respectfully disagree. Normally I would vote for Barbara but I don't think she has what is needed at this turbulent time to just say NO to Robert. Both Kannon and Barbara have financial experience, casino experience. Kannon can and would tell Robert NO. We need someone who will investigate and stop Robert from stealing any more money from the Tribe, and get rid of the extra like the jets, winery, and all the ass kissers Robert surrounds himself with.
Cannon Morro
Barbara Hutton for Treasurer
Write in
Peter Trujillo sr. Chairmen
This would be the change that Pala Members need to start a new and prosperous year and a better future for all.
With the above post being spot on and true time is running out
Tuesday the 20th is only a few days away.
Vote as the above poster says and we will have a great future for all Tribal Members.
It don’t matter who you vote for it’s all rigged.
Maybe if we vote a new chairman we can get a bonus in January. Money won’t be “leaking” out anymore.
I do believe it's spelled "Kannon", not Cannon, and once again the brain dead P.B.M.I. members have fallen into the same trap the pala E.C. sets year after year, close nominations before anybody can run against fat boy and leave them open long enough to split the vote between Kannon & Barbara so the lugo family can vote owl face back in. Year after year this gets done to you people and year after year you fail to recognize this glaring stragity. So, people of pala, prepare for 2 more years of the same lying, thieving disrespectful bullshit you all have seemed to become quite comfortable with and have no idea how to stop, hahahahaha
@ 8:33,Vote in a new chairman and you will see a raise in your per capita and more bonuses through out the year like it was before your
current Chairman got to greedy and backed up by your current Treasurer
Vote in a new Chairman and see your Tribe prosper like it should.
Vote in a new Chairman and watch the senior and Elders be happier than they have ever been.
Vote in a new Chairman and see more respect for Tribal members ever in the history of PBMI.
Vote in a new Chairman and get the respect back from all of Indian country that has been lost because of the corruption and lies of your current chairman.
Do I need to say anymore ?
Sorry but I don't have 8 more hours to continue to show you what it would be like in Pala if you voted in a new Chairman.
Just take the chance to write in a new Chairman on the election ballot
and get what you should be getting and for sure no more per capita cuts.
I say take a chance on Peter Trujillo sr. as a write in for Chairman
and give him a chance to turn everything around for your Tribe.
New blood means new goals for the Tribe.
The General Membership will get all of there power back if Mr. Trujillo was to win this election as a write in and that is a real
Take advantage of it and write in Peter Trujillo sr. for your new Chairman.
Sounds good to me.
I will write him in on the ballot.
My family members will for sure write in Mr. Trujillo for Chairman on
Tuesday the 20th of November.
And I am sure that most of my friends will also write him in also.
May the creator look upon the election and make the change for the PBMI people.
Good luck Mr. Trujillo we will be praying for your victory.
If Theresa wins again then the election is rigged. How can a treasurer that announces the tribe is broke and the money has been mismanaged be re-elected 2 months later?? You can’t tell me the tribe doesn’t want an increase in revenue and an honest treasurer that will let them know what’s going on with their finances before they are broke. Percap and bonuses have consistently gone down over the past 8 years under Nietos watch. So any candidate is a better choice for Pala than Theresa Nieto. We need change and that cannot happen by keeping the same people on council doing the same thing. Remember this vote is for 2 more years. Can we make it 2 more years? Imagine the damage that can be done and Nieto has already shown us she cannot do the job so we need someone new to take a fresh look and start to repair our economy.
It would be a blessing to get both Robert and Theresa out. I would love to see the expression on their faces. Also Jimmy Castillo as Committee member. If so I'm going to make the motion that Robert Smith, his wife and children can NEVER run for office, reinforce the motion made many years ago regarding Marie Smith and her children. I would also do the same for Theresa. Anybody back me up?
Shit everyone enrolled will back you up.
Every enrolled adult member should vote for change in tomorrows election vote for Barbara Hutton if you think that she is the better fit, or vote for Cannon Morro if you think he is the better fit.
But please "DON'T VOTE FOR THERESA NIETO" she is a no good evil little
bitch who runs the entire EC including Robert Smith.
And make use of the write in box for Chairman.
You can write in anyone you want but please "DON'T VOTE FOR ROBERT SMITH. he is so evil and corrupt that he makes the devil sick.
Everyone I have talked with is going to use the write box and write in
Peter Trujillo sr. for Smiths replacement this is a great chance to vote in a new Chairman don't be afraid to take a chance with Pete
he is for the people of PBMI and can do a great job with the backing of the General Membership.
Its insanity how this tribe has been so destructive and made the same bad choice over and over again. On the brink of disaster, will the tribe continue to make the same bad decisions. This is sadly the only time the members really have a voice, so what's it gonna be? Use the mind God have you and vote for change! VOTE PETER TRUJILLO SR as WRITE IN CANDIDATE for Chairman. VOTE FOR KANNON MORO for TREASURER. MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE VOTING DIRECTIONS EXACTLY SO THEY CANT THROUGH YOUR VOTE OUT!!! It way past time for a change. Smith and Nieto have driven the tribe almost to the point of destruction, STOP THEM NOW!!!
All this shit talking but no one knocked Roberts signs down what’s the matter scared to be seen ? Hahaha
The elections been rigged I do hope James gets in. Other then that it’ll stay the same. Do you guys think Theresa Nieto really is gonna lose or even Sheila ? If you really think they’re gonna lose then your a dumb ass. Just don’t vote and then when the numbers come out spend a couple days doing the math and see.
@5:14 PM
Why knock down his signs, we want to knock him down not something that the Tribe paid for.
Forgot Hahahahahahahahahaha excuse me I have to fart.
Looks like you Pala Indians are either scared of Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto or something.
How could you vote in the very people that are abusing you, talk bad about you and you family members to outside people, steal your money
and give you fake information on the financial status of your Tribe.
Things will never change for the good in Pala if you don't wake up real soon.
And Robert Smith getting over 300 votes for Chairman that a fucking JOKE.
Well, that's too bad, but it does confirm one thing....there are over 300 village idiots residing in Pala. Well, village idiots, you reap what you sow.
Who won did we get a new treasurer ??? Cannon won ??? Sheila lost ??? Change ??? Rigged ??? Didn’t matter did it ??? All these last minute strategies and pulling for families and not having a proper executed plan didn’t get us anywhere. And again we’re stuck in the same predicament.
Well if you know that the people who did'nt vote for him amounts to more than what they say on the results, then you might be able to appeal the election. That means they faked the results. This is when you can prove he cheated. How many votes were there? How many do they say Robert got? How many people do you know that say they did not vote for him? Look for the discrepancy. It's hard to believe that you all would vote in a person who is lowering your per-capita while he walks in the casino and walks out with $100,000.00.
It's hard to believe they would vote in the same people that told them were broke and lowering percap in January and not giving a Xmas bonus. Either there are that many blind followers in Pala or it's rigged. Either way Pala is in trouble. I honestly hope the elections are rigged cause if not than that makes me sad that there is that many blind mindless followers in Pala that are ignorant to what’s going on right in front of them. Anyone who went to the September meeting where rob and Theresa talked about the state of the tribes finances should know better than to vote them back in. Well let’s see how much more damage they can cause in 2 years. Pala’s only hope now is if the F.B.I or Grim Reaper comes a knockin for those two.
Can you post the numbers on the blog of the election results.
Trying to see if they match the number of adult voters and survey the out side votes and see what happened.
I have acquired a list of outside voters names, addresses and phone numbers and I am going to contact each and every one of them personally. Thanks.
Okay FBI here is your chance to show the Members of PBMI that you have enough evidence to lock them up.
If you want the people to respect law enforcement then do the right thing and please do it ASAP.
This so called investigation has gone on far to long and needs to be put to rest ASAP.
Why haven't you moved on the charges as of yet.
I don't think that your agency is being paid off like some of the people are thinking so please do something now before some innocent
person takes this into their own hands.
This is for sure a violation of civil rights which comes under your authority to convict such violators as Smith and Nieto.
You have the power to do this so why aren't you trying to stop this abuse?
They not only are violating our rights as citizens of the U.S.A.
they are stealing money from the Casino which is another crime that you can arrest them on.
Also they are guilty of conversion of Tribal assets for their own personal gain another crime that falls under your authority to prosecute.
So what the hell are you guys doing.
Please put down the coffee and donuts and look at the evidence that has been given to you and come and get these two evil cheating bastards and lock them up so the people that you are supposed to serve and protect can enjoy live like it is supposed be and not living in fear of these two evil bastards coming after them or their family members like they did to King Freeman who recently passed away
after a long battle with these two evils.
Or is that okay with you and your agency.
It is a legitimate question. Why does the BIA, the Court and the U.S. Attorney's Office continue to support Robert Smith and shoot down every attempt to get the crooks out of and right the wrongs that have been committed upon innocent people? Here is a list actions that have been taken to try and get Smith out.
Apeal of the disenrollments
Reconsideration of the appeal
Lawsuit against the Pala EC
Lawsuit over the disenrollments
Complaint to US Attorney's Office
Complaint to the NIGC
Complaint to the Governor's Office
Complaint to the CA Gaming Commission
Complaint to the Inspector General
Appeal to the IBIA
Request for Federal Investigation
Request for investigation of federal funding
Most of these actions have not generated a response. It is as though the federal government feels it has no duty or responsibility to protect individual rights, to investigate valid reports of criminal acts, or to respond to concerned citizens.
I am at a loss to explain why the feds continue to protect and promote the corrupt agenda of Robert Smith, and why the prefer his crime spree to the alternative of prudent government and fiscal management proposed by the concerned parties.
Well Rincon got their $20k bonus let’s see how much we get? Im guessing $0 and I’m smart enough to not blow my money during Xmas since we don’t know how much it’s going down in January after the so called Audit that nobody at the casino seems to know is going on. Maybe because there isn’t one and nieto and rob just said that to make it look like they are looking into the financial problems.
I agree with 8:40 PM
No one at the Casino knows anything about an Audit being done.
I know some of the management very well and are considered friends of mine and they know nothing about what we were told at that meeting.
It's all a smoke screen by your leaders again.
When the meeting come around in January and the per capita cut is brought up by Nieto or Smith a motion to not cut the per capita should be made and voted on and if it passes then they can not cut the members per capita and its a done deal.
And if they insist on doing it anyway then we have a case to be brought against them and the NIGC if they approve it.
Remember just motion to not cut it and make sure that everyone that you know that will back up your motion is there to back you up and to vote NO.
Pala is becoming a total joke, hahaha,everyone knows about Robert and everyone knows nothing will be done. He is digging his own hole and he will make it big enough to fit his family and their kids. He and Nieto are helping their families to face turmoil in the coming years. Think about it, how many of them are decent good people? How many of them live holy lives (real ones, not fake in church only ones)? How many of them have gone to college? How have they used the money to do good? Now answer these, how many do drugs? How many of them have been arrested? How many of them have committed heinous crimes? That says it all. Today I am thankful that we are not them or one of their family members. Happy Thanksgiving, go out do right and be grateful you have the ability to fight the evil.
Just remember you are Kupa descendants and the BIA affirmed you qualify for enrollment.
Hope you traitors enjoy your little check every month and just remember that voting for smith and nieto again your voted for even a smaller check every month.
I am sure that smith and nieto's family members checks will not be cut
and who is to blame for that, look in the mirror and point your figure and see who is at fault and it will point right back to you.
We all had a chance to heal our Tribe but you choose the very same assholes that are ruining the Pala Band of Mission Indians.
Well it looks like karma's list is getting longer and longer day by day.
Hope you all are ready to face it.
Who will be next for this treatment that will start in January 2019
I am betting on Theresa Nieto the evilest of them all.
If you google up the word Bitch her picture will pop up.
And google up the word satin and Robert Smiths picture will pop up.
Then google up corrupt and both their pictures will pop up.
Who in her family will suffer the effects of karma first, her kids
her grandkids her Dad or her Husband.
Who ever she is closest to probably.
I shit if that's the case then it would be Robert Smith.
If the members have to suffer,then so should the EC,casino managers, tribal employees. If us members don't get a bonus and they cut our per capita again, then the same should go for all. I for one wants an explanation from Robert why he was even in the casino demanding money. He has no business interfering with the casino, should have no right to go into the count room taking money. What the hell people, why would you even vote for someone that shouldn't have been elected in the first place.
Funny how you want to be your own sovereign nation, separating yourselves from traditional society...shit on each other and then demand the FBI step in and protect you from each other. Why aren't you doing anything? Whats taking so long? Stand up for yourself first idiots. Or do you need your fucking hand held to do that as well? Hasn't the US government done enough to assist you in your selfish racist ways. Do you want to be a part of regular society or only when its to your benefit? Still referring to "The White Man" But when the going get too tough or a decision requires knowledge you come running to "The White Man"! What a fucking joke.There are way more important issues then your Xmas bonus and percap. I laugh at your unanswered cries!! One day you will be recognized as nothing more then a religion.Casio Indians are a fucking joke! Enjoy while it last because your days are limited. Nothing but a legal gang...at least your only raping each other.
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