Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Arrest Made

As reported in the news: - Suspected gunman arrested in fatal reservation shooting


SAN DIEGO -- Deputies arrested a suspect Tuesday in the fatal shooting of a woman at the Pala Indian Reservation on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Milton Trujillo, 34, was taken into custody in front of a store in the 44200 block of Margarita Road in Temecula, according to sheriff's officials.

Trujillo allegedly gunned down an acquaintance, 43-year-old Carolyn Cagey, with a pistol in an open lot in the 2900 block of West Pala Mission Road about 3 a.m. Monday. Cagey died at the scene, Lt. Kenn Nelson said.

The motive for the slaying and the circumstances that preceded it were unclear, Nelson said.

Officials did not disclose what led them to identify Trujillo -- who is believed to also live on the Native American reservation east of Fallbrook -- as Cagey's alleged killer.

Trujillo was expected to be booked into county jail in Vista on a murder charge Tuesday afternoon, the lieutenant said.



Anonymous said...

Another Cagey was killed in Saboba.
Kyle Cagey the son of Veronica Cagey of Pala, was said to be shot and killed either yesterday or earlier today.
He is the nephew of Carolyn Cagey who was shot last week in Pala.
I guess the per cap should be going up soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Milton Trujillo will be another dead mother fucker and are per cap should rise even higher money hungry mother fuckers he's such a pussy couldn't even take out the right person and now he's on suicide watch pleading not guilty like the rest of those fucked up chumps

Anonymous said...

2:15 Who is the right person,you seem to know.

Anonymous said...

2:15 doesn't know shit, motherfucker can't even spell, it's "our" not "are", must be a Robert Smith highly.educated dumbshit follower

Anonymous said...

What's that supposed to mean ? He couldn't even take out the right person ? Sounds like you know what this was all about maybe you are a chump as well that should be locked up mf

Anonymous said...

You all need to mind your own business you shouldn't be talking shit about things you know nothing about don't you all have a life of your own.

Watching You. said...

How about loud mouth Jason Albright.
Talk about chicken shit.

Jason albright said...

What's up who wants some this is jason albright @watching you put your name like the rest anonymas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You all need to get some sleep and then try to learn how to spell then mind your own business get a life before your karma comes for you.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:40, please stop discouraging the little Robert Smithians from entertaining me and all the rest of the educated people with lives who visit this site for a good pala laugh.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 9:50 PM is mad because he didn't the honor roll at the
Little Feathers preschool. Cry baby.
Were you trying to spell POP-TART?
What is a MOTHERFUCCER? and the word WHAT only has, 1-W 1-H 1A but you did get the T-right.
1- star for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna pray for you all because hate can only assassinate your heart.

Anonymous said...

I pray for pala. Dissenrollments, murders, drugs, corruption, pala is certainly not the Rez it use to be. There needs to be a change in leadership

Anonymous said...

Lets see if Albright has the balls to mouth off to the one or ones that took out his brother Kyle Cagey in Saboba.
Probably not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When you say inbreed (one word),are you speaking of robert smiths family? After all he is a cousin fucker,therefore his children are inbred.This is great shame.

Anonymous said...

Now this Albright person seems to be a direct threat to the Reservation and it's Members but I'll bet the EC will not do anything
about it.
These are the kinds of people that need to be put on a leash and dealt
with before they have a chance to hurt or even kill someone.
However Robert Smith is afraid to deal with it.
He is afraid to lose the voting block of Albrights family Members so
no action will be taken by Smith and the EC.
So it's like the EC is giving him a loaded gun and saying "Have Fun".
Instead of having the best interest of the Reservation and it's members. So when this dope head hurts someone, you can blame the EC
for his actions.
Robert should band him off the Reservation we don't this happening
to the Members or anyone else.
It doesn't do any good the call Tribal security or the Valley Center Sheriff because they won't do a fucken thing about him threating people or harming them.
I guess it's like that old saying goes "It's not who you know, It's who you blow".

Anonymous said...

@ 2:15 PM
You are very close to making terrorist threats.
Which is a Felony and you can be prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

whatever but Milton can run from the cops take them on a dangerous chase and hold a gun to his own head on TV for his inncocent children to see and then point his gun at the cops get out on bail and run our rez Pala Rez with a loaded hand gun for 5 months drunk and high on drugs while doing it and go and MURDER Caroljean cagey RIP your bullshit and it looks like albright is addressing the message from watching you on Janruary 26th looks like your threating yourself MILTON TRUJILLO NEEDS TO BE BANNED FROM OUR RESERVATION FOR MURDER BUT LIKE THEY SAID IN COURT HE'S LOOKING AT 94 YEARS he won't ever be hurt another person again thank GOD for that you need some prayers @5:23 albright is hurt from his family's lost not trying to MURDER like Milton Trujillo did @5:23 PM

Anonymous said...

@5:23 you don't have to worry about albright you need to worry about Milton Trujillo out on bail again to hurt another person isn't it 7 million

Anonymous said...

@ 5:23 Milton Trujillo had the loaded gun Remember albright won't jeopardize his family like Milton did he's a dead beat dad albrights better then that he has heart

Anonymous said...

What the hell did Kyle Cagey do to get put down I want to know???

Anonymous said...

and how do we know thats even albright for all we know it could be another trujillo trying to kill one of his family members posting as him get your facts straight before you want to make accusations about albright or his family who's the real threat and felon

Concerned Member said...

Well if he keeps it up someone may take it as a threat and hurt him and then what?
That doesn't make it okay for him to threaten others just because he is hurting.
A lot of people hurt by what is happening in Pala but they don't go around and make threats to people just because they are related to one side or the other.
The ones that need prayer are the leadership of the Tribe.
Instead of taking sides with one or the other they should try and get to the source and make an honest effort to resolve the issues at hand.
But I doubt that that will ever direct your prayers where prayers are needed the most, The Leadership of the Tribe.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:15 pm
Why are you trying to blame another Trujillo.
The reason that we think it was Jason Posting is because he used his own name.
I know Jason and if he uses his own name to post then I am sure it is him.
He is not afraid to say what thinks and he will use his name when he posts on here.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea. Why doesn't everyone just wait and let the Court system run it's course and not be threating anyone.
This just takes the main focus away from the crime itself.
It's not going to hurt anyone by waiting for the outcome of what happened.

Anonymous said...

not once did you say about what Milton has done it's all about albright I feel sorry for you and you should tell your family to the keep Peace Milton's daughter posted a picture of herself with a peace sign sayings she's finally dead what the fuck wow

Anonymous said...

Should get your facts straight you dumb fuck...i think you all need Jesus... Dont speak on shit if you werent there... Dumbasses...... Aint no one getting 94 years..... FREE MILTON TRUJILLO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha albright may have a heart but no brains lmao who lights a firework inside a house hahaha dumbass

Anonymous said...

It was self defence is what I heard.
That's right, it was shot or be shot.

Anonymous said...

How can you say that Jason wouldn't jeopardize his family.
What the hell do you call setting off fireworks inside your home with kids being inside, responsible?.
That in it self could have hurt one of his kids,or even worse.
But I guess that that is OK.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that Miltons bail is going to get lowered, so he will be free soon.

Anonymous said...

well you heard wrong he's a Murderer he could plead insanity say self defense or whatever the fuck he wants he ain't going anywhere and for albright his kids weren't not there shut the fuck up with your guessing bullshit goodbye

Anonymous said...

took you a couple right at 3:06am and this is no self defense case honey plain to see

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is really sad. Look at the way you people are talking, is this what Pala has become? In the old days the fighting was with fists and there was so much more respect.Somewhere along the lines you have lost sight of respect of others. The hate and evil that you are spewing is not the Indian Way, not the traditional love of cousins and neighbors. This is what the EC has done to the tribe, destroyed it from the inside, from the youth, teaching them that lives do not matter, family does not matter, love does not matter. Praying for you to see the light of which you have lost somewhere, or maybe you were never taught, but this is just not right, none of it. If it is drugs, then stop doing them, look what they have done to the rez, you are letting them destroy all that is good, all that is right and that used to be the real Pala, so so so wrong. It was way better before Robert and his Casino.

Anonymous said...

Open letter to the FBI and the Dept. of Justice.I think that the only way the Feds will catch SMITH and NIETO is to interview them and listen to the lies first hand.
The FBI has that authority to so, especially with all the complaints that have been filed, and the people that have given them true information and honest facts.
I truly do not understand why they have not done this, after all they are supposed to be the best at what they do.
These two people are guilty of many crimes against Tribal Members,
why are you sitting back and letting these abuses happen, FBI ?
Why can't you stop these corrupt ones.
The are stealing our money, banishing people from their homes.
Kicking people off the Tribal rolls that have been enrolled for years.
Changing blood degrees of dead Ancestors against the recommendation of The Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Why are you letting this take place.
Come on now you have enough evidence and facts to indict them so please, what are you waiting for.
To many children are also being abused and ignored by everyone, even you the FBI whom are supposed to protect the innocent and prosecute
the guilty.
So what the hell are you guys waiting for. More Murders?
There have been more deaths here in Pala in the last year that have occurred under Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto's watch more than a dozen people have died or have been murdered and no FBI.
What the F is up.

Anonymous said...

I love how all u guys internet bang fucking lame ass people at least my uncle's aren't pussy like the rest of u guys an u lames had to kill one of my uncle's an talk shit about another sound like a bunch off fucking punk'S AN CREATURE ONLY TAKES WHO HE WANTS WE ALL PAY FOR R SINS IN DEATH U THINK U GOT IT GOOD U COWARDS WILL PAY HORRIBLE DEATH SO UR WICKED HEARTED LIFE U WHERE LOANED CAN GO TO TAQUITZ SUFFER A MURDER DEATH TO AN OVER DOES AN FOR ALL THE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS HURT IN WILL PREVALE IN THE CURUPTED WAR THAT WONT END TELL PALA CLAIMS IT BLOOD FOR ITS PEOPLE IT PUSHED OUT AN PEOPLE THAT SOIL THE LAND KUUPA HURT AN IT WANTS ITS SHED OF BLOOD TEARS THE WATERS AN ALL CAN LIVE AS ONE AGAIN TELL THEN STOP FUCKING INTERNET BANGING an leave my uncle's out that there issue an Milton didn't kill her who ever did leaving war apoun r people fuck all this energy an I could of shelter brothers in dakota yet I reading wanna internet banger

Anonymous said...

Did fester collect on the life insuance

Anonymous said...

Pala does not have any more customs,and traditions,Mel.and his family destroyed it when they voted to take people off the Pala rolls.Mel.brought it to the table Leroy,robert,the e.c.pushed it to a vote ,then mels,family voted them off, the rolls.some day it will be there turn to come off the rolls.It started from Mel.and his grandmother.,

Anonymous said...

It's already happening look at how many of his family members have passed on lately.
And his sister is in very bad health.

Anonymous said...

She should invest in a mini cooper and convert it into a wheelchair.
Poor Richard has to push her everywhere.
She won't need to have a smog cert. to get plated on it.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahha good one except u ever seen yer mom? She is one hideous lump

Anonymous said...

Miltoon has to be innocent! Hes only ever caused domesti abuse against a few ladies including a baby moma! Pulled
Knifes at stores, gptten dui x who knows, raped a man in jail, sodomized a pala horse pulled a gun on himself and cops and help a construction crew hostage hahahah but murder cmon thats way to far fetched!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So beautifully love justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly in the Lord. To seek the ways of old..tried and seek the way of truth and honor..the right way. To ask God for wisdom before speaking or acting..
To live a life worthy..loving others.. doing unto others as you would have done to you..
Thank our God Creator we have the truth within us..all men know if they stray from truth or sin..against others or God..

Anonymous said...

it is time to gather up the unenrolled Trujillo kids and kick them off the Reservation for life they are a threat to all of our people who have never ever bothered them..they been really voicing their rights to harm our people and this web site can be used for that purpose and see all the comments regarding the safety with all the hatred..when you teach your kids hate they turn to murder time to kick out all the Trujillo kids off our reservation to stop the hated spewing and remarks using this social media open public it just keeps getting worse why hasn't this site been taken away from these trujillios...I know have to use a fire arm to protect my family with in these boundaries of my tribe now because of this web site allowing there own family members to spew hateful remarks and even death threats they way it is said in such away thats speaks volumes by the reactions coming from this web site..the feds are watching the trujillios now and will until all of them are locked up..putting our tribe in a unhealthy way of treating each other due to this web sites owners are trujillios ..karma is a coming for your entire family trujilios ......

Anonymous said...

Or better yet 11:93 Let's drop the blood degree or count total blood and make all the families in Pala happy.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:03, who the fuck do you think you are, you are no better than anyone else that lives in Pala. And why are you bad mouthing all the Trujillo's for something that only one has been ACCUSED of doing?
You sound like you are guilty of or hiding something.
Be careful what you are posting because your IP address is on file and can be viewed by a court order.

Anonymous said...

Yet another person has passed away in Pala. Angelo Lavato,aka Tubby,
passed away early this morning.
He was the youngest brother of Mel Lavato.
Someone must have so bad Karma in that family because the last 5 deaths connected to Pala are all from the same family.
What are the odds.

Anonymous said...

if this is cindy Leal,starting stuff to start trouble,with the Trujillos and Lavatos,you should be the one taken off the rolls,we all know you are not a Lavato,and the truth will come out soon.

Anonymous said...

It was a dissenrolled Trujillo that was murdered. The Trujillo are victims in this mess that Robert has created

Anonymous said...

@ 11:03
If you are wanting to start shit with Family and friends you better get ready for some good fighting.
You seem to be targeting the Trujillo Family for all the wrong doings in Pala. If so , you are totally misguided.
You are blaming this family for something that only one of their family members is accused of.
Why can't you just let the Courts decide the outcome of this crime.
Most of the Trujillo Family members are respectful and you know it.
In fact they are related to the Lavato Family through their Ancestors so why are you trying to stir up trouble. Leave it alone and let sleeping dogs lye.If you wake them you may get bitten.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry 11:03 is just venting.
Maybe 11:03 should keep his/her venting to him/her self.
This is not the way to heal.
Picking on one another is not how we were raised.
If you keep targeting an entire Family for something that they had nothing to do with you are wrong and you will lose a lot of respect and friends over it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they get disenrolled and everything is taken from them, their family is in a constant battle with the EC and it has been the biggest, hardest, heartbreak. A loss of feeling of belonging to anywhere, and the constant threats and taunts from wrongfully enrolled members. They have been crapped on over and over, but now you 11:03 want them evicted from their homeland because the cruelty they have received from their own people have caused them to fight back. Until you walk in their shoes, you have no clue how much it destroys the humanity in you and losing over and over and having people gang up against you. It is just wrong. Re-enroll them and get rid of the cartel and you might have a true rez again.

Anonymous said...

those who voted for disenrolling why don't you give the disenrolled a chance to prove who thy really are,with proof,then vote for what is wright.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell does @11:03 think he or she is?! Sitting there throwing accusations and preaching about hate when its clear as day that this person obviously has pure HATE for the TRUJILLO family wanting all of them gathered up and kicked off the reservation they have always called home. TRUJILLO, now there is a name that will always be linked to this reservation whether small minded people like you 11:03 like it or not. Shit, members of your EC have TRUJILLO BLOOD running through their veins and your chairman was raised by TRUJILLO'S. Most of them are quiet and still respectful towards the people who have turned their backs on them, harass them, and look at them like they are dirt. Just like any other family yes they have a few bad apples, but no one is perfect not even you. Other people from other families in pala have been trouble makers long before the disenrollment of the TRUJILLO'S but now you just looking for trouble and wanting to blame someone for the bullshit that's going around now. You guys are so quick to condemn Milton for a crime because he is a Trujillo and because a heroin using witness says it was him. The witness was probably under the influence and shouldn't even be considered a reliable witness.

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry about anything that 11:03 has posted.
No matter what your family is one of the most respectful families in Pala and we as Members will stand behind you in the event that any trouble starts.
Who ever 11:03 is should be banded from posting shit like that.
I wish I new who it was because I would give him or her a piece of my mind no matter who it turned out to be.

Respectfully Posted By-Peter F. Trujillo sr. said...

Why is it that when 1 person is accused of a crime like what happened in the case of Milton Trujillo all of sudden the whole Family is targeted for the crime.
Why don't people put the blame where blame is due.
My kids do not bother anyone on the reservation. They all have good jobs and take care of their own kids.
Now people are targeting the whole family and causing a big amount of stress on others because of this crime.
There is no reason for any fighting or blaming others for what happened and threatening to round up all the disenrolled kids and kick them off the Reservation.
I for one feel very bad for what happened to carol Jean Cagey, she was always very respectful to me, my wife and my kids.
She was always welcome at my home and she did visit us ever now and then and always spoke to us when she saw us in the village or in town.
So I am asking you all to please not bother my kids or my family here for something that we had nothing to do with.
We are very sorry for what has happened and pray for both sides to heal. The Cagey Family has suffered a great deal lately and I am very sorry their losses.
All we want to do is live here without worrying about someone attacking one of us for something that we had nothing to do with.
Thank you for listening.

Sincerely and Respectfully
Peter F. Trujillo sr.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why the Feds are around asking questions AGAIN.
They were spotted at the mini mart last night talking to some Tribal
Members that were getting gas.
Also seem in the Casino later on in the Café.

Anonymous said...

@4:04pm. How do you know they were Feds and not detectives?

Anonymous said...

Heard one of them introduce himself as Agent so and so, not Detective
so and so.

Anonymous said...

Well they been investigating for years. The first time I heard of them asking around was 3 years ago when smith fired several long time employees. The question is when are they gonna act?

Anonymous said...

The FBI's motto is "we always get our man", because they take their time to investigate, collect evidence, se ure testimony, connect all crimes, secure witnesses that will testify, and will only arresst and prosecute when they have 100% assurance that they will get a conviction. They will take years to do this even while crimes are being committed under survelliance. Just saying once they committ, they committ.

Anonymous said...

cindy leal,we know you took a d.n.a. with a lavato,yours came back neg. you are not a lavato.But your sister is.Robert cant protect you forever.It is wrong for the Lavatos to hid this,from the real pala people,when they took the real pala ones off the rolls.Cindy it will happen soon, save your money.

Anonymous said...

the feds are not going to do anything in pala

Anonymous said...

?- If the people know the results of Cindy Leal's DNA test then why has no one acted on it.
I am sure that there is a copy of the test and could be gotten if someone really wanted to get a copy.
Maybe one of her so-called Uncles has a copy that is not need any longer. Especially the way she bad mouths them and slanders them to others, and also t6he fact that she has claimed all of the property
that was owned by or had an interest I by DW Lavato.

Anonymous said...

How can the FBI allow this corruption to continue. People are getting murdered. Please put a stop to Robert.

Anonymous said...

there has been a copy of Cindys d.n.a. to the e.c they wont do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:20 PM
Well we will see about that.
That's a bunch of bullshit allowing this to go on. What the FUCK is wrong the EC in Pala that they can't honor the truth.
She must be one of Roberts Rape victims or something else she is using against him to keep her on the Rolls.

Anonymous said...

The fact Robert and the EC know Cindy doesn't qualify for membership and they keep her enrolled proves they don't care about correcting the rolls they just want to pick and chose who gets to be a member. They only way they will kick out Cindy is if she or her family does something to piss off robert like king and Willy did. That's why he disenrolled their families. Once robert is out the new EC can run a real genealogy of the tribe and see who really belongs. We at least know Cindy will be out and Goodpastures step daughter.

Anonymous said...

we need to push the 1928 app. that the ec used to disenroll,the brittian,family,freeman , and Trujillo family.That is law now,we need to do something about it.

Anonymous said...

Or a faster way would be to push smith and nieto off of the roof top
at the casino parking structure.

Anonymous said...

Talk about hate this person seams to be full of it . I am a trujillo and proud of it and an enrolled pala tribal member as well .1130am you are the reason there is so much hate on our rez people like you that classify people by there last name are childish and full of crap .grow up every human is responsible for there own actions . You talk about karma lol maybe you should rethink your statement cause it sounds like a direct threat to me . Our rex need to come together not become divided . All this carp about one another's families shit we care all related what's your problem anyway . I thought we are supposed to be one proud people together as a community .but instead we battel out own . Crazy and sad what happen to pala our people our rez

Unknown said...

Couldn't have said it any better than you just did dad . Carol Jean was my friend for over 33 years and not once did she ever judge me by my last name nor did I judge her . I'm so sadden by what's going on in pala .my prayers are with all our people rest in peace bff caroljean i miss you .
Michelle Trujillo

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, disenrolling Cindy Leal is really going to fix the problems at Pala. She is responsible for so much harm to so many people that getting rid of her will turn the rez into a paradise. Once she is gone, Robert will stop stealing so much money, there will be no more murders, and everyone will get along just like they used to before she came along. Suddenly flowers will sprout everywhere, and rainbows will fill the land with peace and pots of gold. LOL!

You PBMI members don't even have a vote or a voice anymore. Your chairman rigs the elections and micromanages the meeting agendas. He won't even let you talk about the problems and ways to make things better. You have to come to this blog and whine instead.

The simple truth is that Pala people have to want things to be better, and will have to work to make it happen. One proud people? Not a chance. No respect for others, no sense of decency, rampant greed and cowardice, and wagging tongues always ready to spread awful rumors. That is Pala.

Anonymous said...

I am a Trujillo and I do not do drugs, I have a career, I own my home, I do not get money from Pala but only from going to work everyday like the rest of society. If you have negative comments to make about someone make sure you know who you are referring to. You sound ignorant and uneducated.

Concerned said...

@ 8:18
Send your concerns to FBI office in Carlsbad attention the "Agent in Charge of the Pala Cases".
And don't hold anything back.
You can choose to remain Anonymous, if so please state so in you letter. Thank you.
PS, anyone else may do the same thing.
The address is, Federal Bureau of Investigation
5901 Priestly Dr. suite 206
Carlsbad, Ca. 92008

Laughed my ass off said...

Hello everyone.This is my first time here on this blog and I have something funny to tell you all.
I have lived here in Pala for the better part of 60+ years and I am retired from the US Army.
I recently attended the services for one Kyle Cagey Toscano and I heard something that I thought was very funny.
I over heard one Cindy Leal talking to elder lady at the Gravesite.
She was going on and on telling this lady how they loved Kyle and how thankful that her (Cindy)and her family were that this lady raised Kyle and was hugging the lady.
It turns out that this Lady was not the woman that raised Kyle it was Kyle's aunt that Cindy was talking with.Cindy couldn't get the right woman to thank, and Cindy's family knows Kyles adoptive Mother very well, but I guess Cindy must have forgotten who she was.
So Cindy Leal likes to put up a front for her own benefit.
At a time like this it seems that one would know the ID of the person before putting up a fake statement like that.

Anonymous said...

You're full of shit, shut the fuck up

Anonymous said...

60+ my ass

Anonymous said...

@ 10:14 this is true, I was there also and I saw and heard the same thing and I could not believe that Cindy made such a big mistake like
that. It was kinda funny in a sad way.
Everyone was talking about it at the store the day after.
Oh and the one that's full of shit is Cindy Leal.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Cindy is over-acting, which is a sign of some kind of guilt, maybe she knows something about these murders.

Anonymous said...

Every time Kyle went to Cindy's house she would tell him to get the hell out of here and call him names that I will not say.
You know that house that she claims as hers.
And why didn't Robert and the EC take action against her when she was at a stand off that time with a loaded gun and the street had to be blocked off. Wasn't that like a direct threat to the people living in the area? or was that a practice drill for the EC backers.

Anonymous said...

take cindy leal off the pala rolls.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:40 AM
I think she is hiding the truth about why Robert is keeping her on the Rolls when he knows damn well that she doesn't belong.
He knows that if she is a fraud that he would have to reverse the disenrollments because she is the one that motioned to due it.
Turn about would only be fair in this case, get her ass and her kids out of here she does not belong and a DNA test has proved it.

Anonymous said...

DNA stands for, DAD IS NATIVE AMERICAN, Cindy Leal is NOT.

Anonymous said...

How in the hell did Fester collect on Carol Jeans life insurance policy through the Tribe.
If this is true, this creates a motive for him to be the guilty one in her death.
You can run, Fester but you can't hide.

Anonymous said...

She probbably put his name on the policy.

Anonymous said...

This Guy Fester would kill his own Mother to collect on a life insurance policy.
Who got Kyle Cagey Toscano's insurance policy? FESTER?

Anonymous said...

Have some respect and let Carol Jean and Kyle Rest in Peace. CJ cared for Fester,her partner, very much, yes he was an ass, most of the time, but she still cared for him , that is what made her genuine. CJ cared for and helped many,she was my friend and I miss her, can't believe she is gone. So please let her rest in peace. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

How can they rest in peace when the murders are unsolved? Find the killers and bring them to justice. Until then there can be no rest for the dead.

Anonymous said...

Is cindy still on the rolls,remember cupa day when cindy was giving Mel heck,screaming at him,thats what it was all about,we were watching them and heard them.

Anonymous said...

So festeris the guy from morongo?

Anonymous said...

I thought Mel. was a Christian,going alvins church,doesnt he know he is to tell the truth.He is a fake Christian.

Anonymous said...

Fester is the witness that that fingered Trujillo for the Murder.
He did so to protect his own ass. He is working for the Cops and snitches off anyone that he wants to.
And the cops take him at his word, even knowing that he is a drug addict and a known gang banger and is always high on meth and black tar.

Anonymous said...

Also your Chairman seems to be ok with it all because this Fester dude
has been seen around different areas of Pala and he is supposed to band from here.
Maybe Smith is afraid of him. Go get him uncle fester.

Anonymous said...

Mel knows all about the DNA test that Cindy Leal took because he took the test with her to check their DNA because he was Dwayne's brother.
And the test came back neg. for Cindy being a Lavato.
So she is a fake and now everyone knows the truth.
So Robert Smith, what are you going to do about this shit?
Like it or not you have an important decision to make before this hits the news media and the Federal Government.
You have 10 days from today to do the right thing or the papers will be sent to the Media, the same reporter from the La news that interviewed you before would love to have them I am sure.
And also the Paper in Escondido that is doing the article's on the
disappearing Indians. 10 DAYS/ The THIRTEENTH OF MARCH 2017.

Anonymous said...

More people need to talk about,cindy Leal write to the e.c. tell them to do something about it ,and get her off the p.b.m.i.,rolles

Anonymous said...

You and can't be that dumb to think robert is going to listen to the tribe and do what's right or follow the tribes Constitution! That's laughable! He does whatever he wants, he enroll's , adopts, and disenroll's illegally anyone he wants. Pala has become Roberts private club where he choses membership depending on who supports him and who doesn't make waves and ask too many questions. The only way robert would be forced to disenroll Cindy would be if her DNA test was mailed or posted around the Rez for everyone to see. Then robert couldn't keep her enrolled when everyone has seen and knows the truth. Then again he could just adopt her into Pala and none of this would matter.

Anonymous said...

What difference would it make? There's plenty of enrolled members who don't have the blood and plenty of disenrolled members who have the blood. Pala is one big corrupt murderous shit hole and people just sit back and let it happen. At this point they deserve what is coming and there will be no sympathy for innocent people who cared more about their per capita then doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

It would make a difference if cindy was taken off the rolls,for what she did to the real kupa people,take off one at a time if we have to.Mel look what you did to the Trujillo family,how do you sleep at night,you brought carma,to pala,do the right thing ,carma will leave,its going your way,look at your health since you started this problem.

Anonymous said...

Hell is waiting for Mel, because he knows better, Same with the Teresa. How sad when you think about 15 years ago, where things were then compared to now as far as their decency goes. So what has all this money done for them? I guess it has bought them a direct ticket to hell. Congrats to the devil for convincing so many Pala members to be on his team.

Anonymous said...

So getting rid of Cindy Leal would be revenge for her role in the disenrollments? There were many other people involved and lots of payback due. Singling Leal out will not fix things, but would be the right thing to do, and what's right is right.

Anonymous said...

And another thing, everyone knows that Robert and Andrew Smith "DO NOT
BELONG ON THE ROLLS" because they are considered "CITIZEN INDIANS"
just like their Great Grandfather was.
Plus the fact that his Mothers father is listed as unknown on her birth certificate and on all the records at the BIA.
So they do not have the blood line to be enrolled in Pala or any other

Anonymous said...

Robert and Andrew Smith are not Citizen Indians. Domingo Moro was a Citizen Indian which means he gave up tribal connections in order to be a U.S. Citizen. This means his descendants were citizens also and that they have no tribal connections.

This is a federal law. Children of Citizen Indians are not Indians. They cannot be enrolled members of tribes. I think this is what you are trying to express. Robert and Andrew Smith cannot legally claim Indian blood through Domingo Moro. In fact any Indian blood passed on to them through other bloodlines does not alter the fact that their ancestors traded his Indian rights for Homestead land and preferred to be considered a landowner rather than an Indian.

Anonymous said...

And 12:24 Smiths Mothers Father is listed as unknown on her birth cert.
and in the Records at the BIA, so she should be considered a white
woman as well, per Smith comments in regards to the Britten case.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the reason that he is so corrupt, he is afraid that any new blood that gets elected into the EC will oust him and his family.
Which would be only fair for all the problems that he and Nieto have caused in Pala.

Anonymous said...

They should step down or call for an AUDIT.

Anonymous said...

He won't ever step down. The pala casino is his personal piggy bank. He will rig elections forever. If the people of pala really want him out they have to put aside petty differences and work together to get him out. Pala would be a much better and safer place without Robert as chairman

Anonymous said...

This fat FUCK of a want a be man is so evil and corrupt that he has to keep notes for all the lies that he tell the members so he can remember which lie goes where.
And that evil two faced bitch Theresa Nieto is just as bad as Robert.
She lies to members about every financial deal involving the Tribe/band.
Hopefully she will slip up soon and be caught with her hands in the cookie jar or zipping up Smiths pants, like she did with Kilma Lattin.
I can't believe that her husband Roy hasn't left yet after the Lattin
rumors were proven to him.
He must enjoy tasting the sperm donations of other men that have made their deposits in the sperm bank owned by T. Nieto.
Or maybe he is like his wife and in it for the money and the money only.
Either way lets all hope that she is busted along with Smith and sent to Prison with him.
Then when she gets out she won't have anything left not even her husband or her grandkids or her once claimed Reservation.
Everyone knows that prayer is a powerful thing, so everyone needs to be on the same thing that you are praying for.
So everyone praying for the right things for Pala, your prayer will be answered.

Anonymous said...

A couple of months ago someone mentioned that Theresa Nieto and her saint of a husband Roybal Nieto(aka Roy)had possible gang ties in Escondido.
Well they do, these two Nieto men have ties to Roy Nieto= # 1 is
Daniel Nieto aka Malo is related to Roy Nieto from Pala and so is
Rafael Nieto aka The Beast.
They are both named in a gang Injuction from Escondido, they are members of the Westside Gang.

Anonymous said... took off the trujillos from the rolls,why don't you take Cindy Leal off.The Trujillos belong on the rolls,with the proof,the courts believe that Margarita Brittian was 4\4s,also the B.I.A.did a search on margarita brittian,even d.c. did a search thy believe she was 4/4s, they sent letters to the Pala E.C. told them to but them back on the rolls.They sent the e.c. all proof that she was 4/4s.

Anonymous said...

Mel isn't going to do shit about what he did. Why? Because Mel hated his Father, who was the Chairman that helped put the Margarita Britten
straight concerning her blood degree. So Mel got a chance to destroy something that he Father did and he is proud of it.
The only way to get even is for the Band to come together as one and go to a meeting and vote to put the disenrolled back where they belong.The Tribe already voted to fix the blood degree of Mrs. Britten
however your Chairman, Mr . Smith over ruled the Tribes vote and reversed it. Which is against the Bands so called constitution.
Another way to end all the hurt and the destroying of the Tribe is to get rid of the poison on the EC, mainly Smith, Nieto, Maxcey and Perez.

Anonymous said...

at,the end of the day where is Milton still in jail there's more evidence then just festers statement come on until someone else is brought it on this case then Milton is going on trial for doing this to caroljean that's it can't change that he must of done it or they wouldn't be holding him and charging him and he's even not pleading guilty for the high speed chase he took the cops on that was on the news and there was Plain to see video taping of him waving the gun around but he's still pleading not guilty he did it the wouldn't have him in there just on fester being a witness not possible sorry guys but not there has to be justice

Anonymous said...

Justice would be to keep that fucken gangbanging wet back fester off of the Reservation before he hurts someone else.
And let the courts decide the case on Milton.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of all Pala Members I hope that you all have the balls to do something about your Chairman Robert H. Smith, and his rouge followers before he runs off to his little compound that he just bought where they do not care about a persons criminal status.
Or should I say the compound that the Band paid for.
Don't stop sending you complaints into the FBI or the IRS until they do something to stop him and Nieto from abusing the Members of the Tribe.

Anonymous said...

What about kyle could he had beem involved

Anonymous said...

You do know cagey was bludgeoned strangled then shot! That absolutely wasn’t her friend Milton. And the lady in the sleeping bag bludgeoned strangled dumped dead! Three people saw that one tried to stop it. It wasn’t Milton