Sunday, January 8, 2017

Indictments of Paskenta Officials - Any of This Sound Familiar?

Below is a link to another article on the indictments of John Crosby (former FBI Agent), Ines Crosby (his mother), and Leslie Lohse (hist sister).  Lohse was at one time the treasurer of the California Tribal Business Alliance which Robert Smith is Chair of.  I recommend reading the whole article but I will post an excerpt:

Gross & Klein LLP: Federal Jury Indicts Two Former Paskenta Tribe Employees on Embezzlement Charges


As detailed in the Tribe's related civil federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) complaint filed in March 2015 in the U.S. District Court,  Eastern District of  California, against John Crosby, Ines Crosby, Leslie Lohse, and others, they and their co-conspirators used vicious and callous methods of intimidation and coercion to maintain access to the Tribe's money, millions of which they stole in order to live a life of obscene luxury, while services to Tribal members went unfunded and Tribe members lived in fear of economic retaliation.

Any of that sound familiar?

Read the whole article at the link above.


Anonymous said...

That last sentence: tribal members stayed quiet and scared to speak up in fear of economic retaliation and held into power by intimidation and coercing to hold onto access of tribal millions Sounds like exactly what's going on in Pala. We cannot wait until this happens to smith/Nieto and whoever else is involved. To the FBI: the tribe will back you %100 when you arrest these criminals who oppress the tribal members of Pala to hold onto their positions. Don't think because they are re-elected means the tribe supports them. They wouldn't risk their tribal millions to an election that's not gaurenteed in their favor if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

This will be a year of turn over for all tribes,for the best.F.B.I.come get them.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Pala EC, the FBI says that the indictments of Robert Smith
and Theresa Nieto will move forward and will be served in the very near future.
Thanks to the birds that are singing the songs of the master minds of
corruption of Tribal Leaders (CHEATERS).

Anonymous said...

It's time to cook the crooks who cooked the books.

Anonymous said...

The FBI has been investigating since 2010. do you think they are really going to indict Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto? Or are they making the same promises that they made two years ago when they said indictments were coming in 2015, and then 2016?

This is the longest investigation I have ever heard of that did not involve racketeering and interstate offenses. I will believe there are indictments when I see them.

Anonymous said...

The feds don't request indictments until they have verified information and are about 99% sure of a conviction.
That's what takes so long.
In the case of Pala there is always more things found so this keeps the investigation on going.
This could very well be a ploy that was taught to corrupt leaders by Dickstien to cover up some of the major incidents that would lead to an indictment.
The main thing is that all banking transaction leave an electronic fingerprint so to speak and the print can never get erased.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean to say that all the purchases that the EC makes with their American Express and other credit card that they have in the Bands name can be read no matter what they buy.
That's somewhat good news for the Members and somewhat bad news for the EC.

Anonymous said...

American Express Statements show each charge on a member's card as a line item transaction with a total amount. There is no itemized listing like you would see on a receipt. It shows the date, the place, and the amount charged. It doesn't actually say what the money was spent on. Further detail may be available through the vendor if there is a suspicious line item transaction.

Anonymous said...

The FBI has to be totally blind or paid off. The trail is so easy to follow even the three blind mice could follow it. A group of corrupt attorneys fashion the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. They put in provisions that allow them to take over tribes and steal billions. They begin re-writing tribal constitutions and consolidating tribal authority so they only have to work with corrupt leaders. Howard Dickstein runs with the ball. As the father of disenrollment he should be ashamed and every Jewish person should be ashamed of this mans practice of tribal genocide. "Tribal sovereignty" what bullshit. There isn't one gaming chairman that can speak without their attorney present and pulling the strings. That is not sovereignty. There isn't one gaming tribe that can make a decision without their attorney giving their approval. This is not sovereignty. All of this is backed by the corrupt BIA. 90% of the BIA employees are Indian yet they betray their fellow Indians every minute of every day. Even Custer would be jealous of the corrupt BIA employees that serve the corrupt chairmen without conscious and pure ruthless intent. If the corrupt BIA Indian employees were serving under Custer, Custer would have won at Little Big Horn. Back to Howard Dickstein. He created the California Tribal Business Alliance. It was his personal training ground where he taught people like Robert Smith, Paula Lorenzo and Leslie Lohse the fine art of stealing from their respective tribes. How the FBI cannot connect the dots is beyond me. Not really because Howard has corrupted them too. Money talks, shit walks and real Indians get disenrolled, disenfranchised, murdered, humiliated and more. So where is Howard these days. Last word is that he is on a special cruise ship living in a suite with his car collection in the hold. He is cruising the world where he enjoys luxurious ports and opportunities to drive his Ferrari collection never fearing that the law would catch up with him. Howard was such a speed freak that all we can hope for is that his heart will give out and he will suffer a miserable end. He deserves a miserable end. So do all of his thieving chairmen.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:16 PM
You are right on the money on your post.
I know that there are a lot of Members around here and in Pala that are praying for the end of life for Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto.
They have totally destroyed the Pala Reservation and many of it's members.
The funny part is that Smith thinks that he will get away with what he has done, but he will not.
And Nieto thinks that she is a Holy Saint and that she can buy her way into Heaven, but she is so wrong on so many levels.
They have had so much time to turn every thing back the way it should be but they think that by screwing the Tribe and it's Members is
a good thing and they will see the gates of Heaven, they are so wrong
and the only place that they deserve to is to HELL, and even satin may not want them there because he is afraid that they will try and take over the pits of HELL.

Anonymous said...

Make them disappear like they did Joe Scott.