Press reporting on Pala Elections.
Fall brook & Bonsall Village NewsPala Band of Mission Indians announces tribal election results
Here is a quote:
Chairman Smith has served as tribal chairman since first being elected in 1990. Theresa Nieto has served on the Tribal Council since 2001 and Sheila Lopez was re-elected to a third term as councilmember at-large, a position she has held since 2012.
“I am extremely proud to continue to serve the tribe as chairman,” said Robert Smith. “We had a great election turnout and the strong support for our current Tribal Council members illustrates confidence in the progress we have made culturally, socially and economically. The Tribal Council and I look forward to continuing this progress and achieving even more in the years to come.”
You can read the full article at the link above.
In 1903 the Agua Caleinte Cupeno were removed from their ancestral tribal home, the Village of Kupa also known as Warner's Hot Springs. The Cupeno were forced onto the Pala Indian Reservation. This is known as the Cupeno Trail of Tears. On June 1st, 2011 and February 1st, 2012 162 Warner Ranch Evictee Agua Caliente Cupeno were removed from the PBMI Association by the Pala Enrollment Committee. This is our Second Trail of Tears.
How sad, the Fallbrook news paper is getting caught up in the corruption of Robert Smith and his unhealthy followers.
They will probably lose a few hundred readers over this article.
How many voters make a great election turnout? I heard it was a lot less than half the eligible members, which is around 400 voters.
According to an answer to a question at the last meeting, Smith said that there were 658 eligible adult voters.
Some people are saying that Robert Smith is the Fidel Castro of Indian Country and that the only difference is that Castro walked around puffing on a big Cuban cigar, while Smith walks around sucking and puffing on a big 12 "DICK".
What happened to the days when newspapers verified the information given to them in interviews? This is not news. This is an advertisement for pork jerky.
If he is so popular amongst tribal members why did hundreds of the tribal members try to impeach him?
Corrupt Smith ran unopposed because he has targeted anyone who opposes him. He has removed anyone that tries to speak. he has attacked & destroyed families over arguments he had in grade school. If anyone finds out "too much" about his or his families drug dealings (Crack In The Box - just stop by one of his houses) and other illegal ventures, they are threatened, dis-enrolled, harassed, etc. He has access to everyone's private health files that utilize IHS and he uses that information to destroy as well. He has Secrete Executive meetings to push his corruption through.
He may live and continue his evil for a long time, but it will be his relations that pay the price in the waking world now, and when he is in the pits of hell. He has had warnings - his family, the pain, suffering, drug abuse, sickness, etc. -he has chosen to ignore.
Ok Fallbrook Village News, here is a challenge for you.
How about you send a reporter to the Reservation and interview the
real people that are being hurt by your little Buda Baby Smith.
How about you print the truth about Robert Smith and Theresa Nieto.
Every thing you put in your article is fake information.
You give praise to a dictator and his followers.
We challenge you and your News Paper to investigate and print the truth about what is really going on.
Read the court documents on file in the Federal court in San Diego
and the findings of the 9th Circuit Court in Pasadena and very soon
the United States Supreme Court.
Then lets see you praise the evil doers of Pala.
Meeting cancelled I wonder why?? Didn't want to hear it from the people about no Xmas bonus
I'm thankful for any thing we get, some reservations get nothing give thanks you get something. Remember where you came from, don't let money define you. We all know what it's like to have nothing. Money comes and goes bless up.
@ 2:07 AM
We are thankful for what we get. But the fact remains that we should be getting a lot more.
The Executive Committee has taken away all the bonuses that we used to get, has lowered our Per Capita all because of greed and away for them to control the members of the Band. And that is one thing that we are not thankful for.
It is only right that we get what is supposed to be ours and then can choose to accept it or give it back.So it's not that people are not thankful, it's the fact that the EC is stealing from the members and that is just so low down evil shit.
You believe Smith when he says 658 eligible voters? Not me. He lies about everything. There is no way to verify that number. It's like trying to figure out how much money the Casino makes. The financial report from the EC is not only vague, but falsified.
The Casino is supposed to be a tribal investment. The tribe is supposed to own it. Tribal members are supposed to share equally in the benefits. One guy should not be able to control all the funds and tell the owners they can't have their share just because he doesn't feel like sharing.
It's amazing how well other Indian casinos are doing. But for some reason pala never has money for it's members. However if there is something Robert wants he can come up with millions"pala interactive".
Hey Mr. Chairman Smith,
I see that your daughters are posting shit on their facebook accounts
about Tribal Members again crying about the Bonus that we were counting for Christmas.
I guess that you think it's ok for them to post shit but not ok for Tribal to voice their opinion.
Well "FUCK YOU" and your daughters.
You better learn to practice what you preach you over bearing asshole.
@ 8.00 PM
Don't worry Robert won't live more than 1-2 more years then it's time
for revenge.
We will see how his Daughters react to not having anything and not
belonging to the Pala Band of Mission Indians.
Turn about is fair play.
Robert is just digging a deep hole for his children to climb out of. I guaranty you Robert won't live forever. When he finally does leave the chairman thrown it will be his children that will have to live with the aftermath of his actions.
Yup once Robert is no longer Chairman and we get a good Chairman in they will put together a committee to investigate what rob and Nieto and whoever else was involved did with the tribes money since the casino opened. Both of them along with any tribal member that benifited will be dealt with by the tribe and possibly banished for life. No more rights and no more benefits. The current EC needs to think about the future. Once a complete audit has been done the tribe will see how much corruption and misappropriation of our money has been going on. It will be discussed and dealt with at a tribal meeting. Everyone who thinks they have it good right now being on Roberts good side will regret ever goI got along with his corruption. The EC needs to think Robert is not healthy and won't live much longer. Think about the future where you will be when his regime is over.
Wait this does not make sense'''' if there are 658 adult members getting percap which is suppose to be 60% or 65% of the gross the tribe gets from the casino every month. Times 658 by our new gross not counting the general welfare money. That number plus what 350 minors get comes out to about 38% of the amount they always tell us we need to make every month to keep everything with the tribe running correctly. Most of you should know these numbers and I didn't want to post them on here. Do the math yourself. So either Robert lowered the percentage that goes to percap and increased one of the other budgets or they are doing something else with the percap funds. It does not add up. Or some members are getting a larger check and that makes up the other 32% of percap fund. Who knows? The general council doesn't, we just know things haven't been adding up for a while. Plus "Pala Interactive" needs to be discussed at a meeting to show the tribe how and if it is benefiting the tribe and if it is worth keeping it. If Pala even has a stake in it. From what I hear Robert and a few EC members and their cohorts are the board members/stock holders of Pala Interactive and the tribe see's very little to none although it was our money that funded the start of Pala Interactive-online gaming. There is just so much that needs to be answered.
I say to the People of the Tribe, call for an audit now while they are still in office so the right ones will be dealt with.
Not going to happen! The EC has to approve an audit and be willing to give the audit company access to everything,all financial records. and by EC I mean Robert. We all know that will never happen. So an audit cannot be done until he is out of office.
And we all know that the people of Pala are weak and greedy and will never rise up against their corrupt pig of a chairman.
No if Pala was really greedy or cared more about what is right then they would rise up against smith/Nieto because with them out we would be getting ALOT more which is just our fair share %65 not 40%. So 25% of millions a month is a lot, where is it going?
Of course Roberts daughters don't care about the Xmas bonus and make everyone else seem like complaining when they still got one. Their dad still gives them money for Xmas (the tribes money)
So Pala members are not greedy enough to go after the money that the Chairman steals from the tribe, but they are greedy enough to take money away from the disenrollees. That makes sense.
Caring about what is right does not seem to really matter to them as long as the monthly check comes. Or maybe their sense of right and wrong is skewed because the leader pretends that doing the wrong thing is right for the tribe.
They really don't deserve the bonus though. They didn't support their Chairman the way he wanted them to. He really needs their love and affection. If they want their money they will have to pucker up and kiss the pig...
Fuck kissing the pig, pork makes me sick anyway.
Achieving more what, Tribal Funds.
@ 7:36 PM
It doesn't really matter, because Robert won't live another year or through another term because his health issues will catch up to him for sure by then. HOPEFULLY.
It looks like the Federal Government has stepped in on the North Dakota issue.
According to news reports the Army has stopped construction of the pipeline and will not grant access to continue construction until the Corps investigate alternate routes.
I guess this protest really is getting their attention.
Maybe it's time for local Tribes to do the same thing and then maybe the Government will step in and stop all this Corruption and hate that
these local so called leaders are pushing towards certain Tribal Members and their family's.
Where is the money going? There are bribes to the BIA, District Attorney, Sheriff's Department, FBI, IRS, and District Court Judges. Lobbying for legislation to approve online gaming in California. Lots and lots of lawyers. Campaign contributions to elect candidates favorable to Smith. Costs for private jets, multiple mansions, and personal expenses for parties, drugs, medical care, new cars, travelling, and perks for Smith's buddies. Pala Interactive costs quite a bit. There are real estate acquisitions, legal fights over Gregory Canyon and other lawsuits, surveillance of the reservations, and private security.
These are some of the ways that the money is being spent. That doesn't account for the money that is stolen and put in offshore accounts.
To the Fallbrook Village News Paper: If you save this article for next the next election,you can use it next year almost word for word.
I can't wait to see how Robert is going to react to his Daughter being arrested for her roll in the shooting of Bradley Trujillo Jr.
She was concealing bloody clothing that she took from the Allen woman after the killing and destroyed it.
There has been an investigator around asking questions about this fact and has talked to at least 8 people so far.
She really needs to be arrested and charged for her part in this Murder.
How do I know this, because they talked to me.
She should spend her bonus on drugs and assault rifles before she has to go to prison. They don't have assault rifles in prison and the drugs there are not as good as the ones she gets from her Daddy's dealers.
A letter from the people of Pala:
I'm mWe the people of The Pala Band of Mission Indians are asking for help from the BIA, FBI, IRS, DOJ, NIGC or GOD. Please deliver us from evil, evil which we have come to know as Robert Smith. He has become a dictator in every sense of the word, he threatens and punishes any member that questions or stands against him. He lowered members blood degree which in turn caused some to be disenrolled and still 5 years later will not give anyone a reason why or show proof to justify his actions other than "he shouldn't have to". All of the members are afraid to stand up to him in fear of retaliation. The last group of 10 members that stood up to him lost their right to vote, attend tribal meetings, and run for for office. The 2 members that asked to many questions and demanded answers had their monthly casino revenue (percap) taken away for a year. When the tribe (the people) voted for term limits, Robert Smith overruled the people and made term limits infinite so he could be a perminant ruler. He places his family and few followers on election committees and will. Or let the others see the throw away ballots. He has made himself the executive council,enrollment committee, housing authority, and Pala gaming committee. He has consolidated his power and has total control over us and Pala. Any tribal business to be discussed must go through him to be put on the agenda and he will not put anything on the agenda he does not want to be discussed or answered with the tribe. We have tried to take our tribe back but so far the courts, the BIA, and the NIGC have failed to act on our behalf and help us. They all seem to consider only the executive committee as the tribe which is Robert Smith when in reality the people are the tribe not this 1 man. I know it's easier for these agencies to look the other way but we need your help. Even GOD can help by a little stopping of the heart because even GOD couldn't change this mans mind or hatred. We have tried to reason with him and have come to realize he will never change his ways. So please look into the wrongs being done at Pala.
If you are asking for help from a federal agency you have to ask them, not the Pala Watch blog. That means contact them directly instead of hoping that they are reading this blog.
Federal employees are wary of direct contact with individuals even though they are supposed to serve the citizens of the U.S., so you should retain an attorney and have your attorney write a letter of complaint, request for an investigation, or demand for action, to the agency on your behalf.
It is necessary to have something specific in your letter that is under the purview of the agency to which you send the letter. So if you write the BIA complain about violations of federal Indian law. If you write the FBI note specific federal criminal violations. If you write the IRS note income tax fraud or failure to report income. If you write the DOJ note civil rights violations. If you write the NIGC note specific violations of the IGRA.
Be prepared to offer evidence. If you have no evidence, cite the violations and ask for an investigation to uncover evidence. Letters from concerned citizens that cite specific violations, the parties involved, the method of operation, the motive for involvement, the benefit derived therefrom are more effective that pleas for help.
Good luck!
If you are looking for help from a federal agency then you should contact them directly instead of hoping that they are reading the Pala Watch blog. Even though federal employees serve the citizens of the U.S. they usually disregard inquiries and letters from individuals. You should retain an attorney and have your attorney write a letter for you.
Your letter must address items under the purview of the agency that you are writing and contain information regarding specific violations of federal laws or regulations. For example, a letter to the BIA must address specific violations of Federal Indian law or regulations. A letter to the FBI must contain references to specific violations of federal criminal law. A letter to the IRS must describe tax fraud or nondisclosure of income. A letter to the DOJ must cite specific civil rights violations or criminal violations that the FBI refuses to investigate or for which no indictment or charges have been filed. A letter to the NIGC must cite violations of the IGRA.
You may file a complaint, a request for an investigation, or a demand for action. Be prepared to show evidence of violations, or to cite the violation, the parties involved, the method of operation, the motive for the violation, and the benefit derived therefrom. In the absence of evidence you can request an investigation, but keep in mind that federal investigations are both costly and lengthy.
This is how you can get a federal agency to listen to you. Talking to the people on Pala Watch will not get you any action.
If you are seeking help from a federal agency, you should contact the agency directly instead of hoping that they are reading Pala Watch. Even though federal employees serve the citizens of the U.S. they normally disregard letters from individuals. You should retain an attorney and have your attorney write a letter for you.
You letter can take the form of a complaint, a request for an investigation, or a demand for action. It must address issues under the purview of the agency to which you send the letter. Letters to the BIA must address violations of federal Indian law or regulations. Letters to the FBI must address federal criminal violations. Letters to the IRS must address tax fraud, or non-disclosure of income. Letters to the DOJ must address civil rights violations, or failure of the FBI to conduct an investigation, or make indictments or file charges of known violations. Letters to the NIGC must address violations of Indian Gaming Regulations Act (IGRA).
Be prepared to offer evidence of the alleged violations. In the absence of hard evidence, you should offer specifics regarding the parties involved, the method of operation, the motive behind the violations, and the benefits derived therefrom.
This is how to get action from a federal agency. Good Luck!
Sorry about the multiple posts. The first one didn't show up and so I wrote another to make sure the message got across. Despite the posting problem I think the message is on target.
Just hire someone to take him out.
Everyone needs extra money at Christmas time. It shouldn't cost more
a couple of grand, probably less because he is an easy target as is
Another coward chimes in. Pay someone else to do the dirty work. Maybe he does deserve to die for the crimes he has committed. Smith and Nieto will die eventually. Everyone does. However, murder is wrong, no matter how well deserved. Haven't there been enough murders already? Good people doing the right thing will earn respect. Anything else will create more trouble.
I think the number 658 eligible voters is wrong. That would mean there are nearly 400 minor members. It doesn't sound right to me. The proportions are off. Maybe Smith is saying this number so that it is easier to get an amendment passed. It takes half of the eligible voters participating to pass an amendment. It is easier to get 329 voters participating rather than the real number which is closer to 400. When was the last time there were over 400 votes cast in a PBMI election?
Ok 3:13PM,
Are you ready to stand up to the EC and help to bring down the evil doers and stop the corruption of Smith and Nieto?
Or are you afraid of them like everyone else is?
People are tired of their bullshit are venting on ways to rid the Reservation of the TRASH.
@ 3:13PM
Keeping Smith and Nieto on the EC is real trouble.
I am not a Pala member, but I have no problem standing up to the Pala EC. Of course I have nothing to lose, and there is no fear on my part. At the same time it means I have nothing to gain, which is just the opposite of Pala members.
I also am not a Pala Member, just like 1:40 PM.
However Member or not, if this Smith person was talking down to ANY of
my Family Members or Friends like her is doing to Members of the Pala
Band, he would end up getting the shit kicked of him. So what's the hold up, why aren't you people standing up for what is right.
Why aren't you defending your Family and Friends against this Smith dude. Isn't he that fat little chubby fireman that walks and runs kind of cute.
You need to understand, except for a few, the people in pala are nothing short of greedy chickenshit cowards who unfortunately have become the laughing stock of southern California indian country mostly because of their stupidity. None of them cared about what Robert did to legitimate members because they viewed it as more for them which has actually become less for them and if you ask me they're getting excatly what they deserve for going along with Roberts BS with big $$$ signs in their eyes. Keep up the good cowardly clown act down there u P.B.M.I.'S we all enjoy a good laugh
I think that's the first time I've ever seen Smith and cute used in the same sentence.
@ 1:05 PM. maybe your not gay like Bobby baby Smith and 1:16 PM.
Definitely not gay. Maybe there is some queer appeal to that pig. Don't know and don't want to know.
I see that the News Paper in Fallbrook and Bonsall still haven't grown
the balls to print the real truth about the Pala EC members and all of their lies and corruption.
What's up news paper reporters don't you like printing the real true stories about Pala, or are you just going to print what you are paid extra to print lies.
I believe that someone challenged you to come to Pala and interview the people that were being treated like shit by the EC but I am guessing that you don't like a real challenge or you got PAID not to interview and print the TRUTH.
PBMI buys advertising from local newspapers and threatens to pull the ads if the paper prints bad news about the Pala EC.
So the news papers are also corrupt.
So the newspapers value revenue from advertising over truth in reporting.
They're not newspaper's, they're rags smith wipes his ass with.
Pretty sure Goodpasture wipes Roberts ass for him.
Pretty sure Goodpasture licks his ass clean for him.
Then Eric Garcia tests it for texture.
What people do not understand is that Robert Smith is not a ready target. He has more than 60 vehicles at his disposal in various locations so he cannot be tracked. At $300 a crack to plant tracking devices on all of his illegal cars is even too expensive for a per cap Indian. He lives in a secure suite at the casino behind a false wall with no visible door. He pretends to live in his old house but that is just a front. He no longer opens the tub. That was too much of a pattern and highly visible target. He has proven that he will go to all lengths to keep the truth form getting out. Such as the missing tape thought to be in the possession of Bradley Trujillo. Bradly was tortured and murdered because of this tape. Did they get it? It is believed that Bradley did not give it up and it will be revealed someday. Robert keeps a loaded shotgun beneath his desk. He often sits at baseball games with a pistol in his lap. He has eyes, cameras and bodyguards everywhere. His network of cellphone buddies lets him know almost immediately of anything happening on the Rez. He has access to all police and emergency service calls. He has private investigators checking out any potential threats to him. Most of all he has the full force and protection of the San Diego County Sheriff department thanks to Bonnie Dumanis. she is so bought off the taxpayers of San Diego County should be totally outraged. Not a very good trade. Robert gives her $20,000 a month and she gives Robert $1,000,000 of taxpayer money in protection each month. So all of you who think that Robert Smith is an easy target and that there is a .50 cent solution, think again. He has all of his bases covered. Better protection than a president.
This is true, and unfortunate that God will have to be our bullet and the devil will be our justice. Hell is waiting for Robert and Teresa and they are going to destroy as many people as they can along the way.
Karma has started to hit the people who are involved with Robert and his corruption "and the children shall suffer the parent's sins", and the suffering has begun, and there will be much suffering among many families in the next few years, the families of those who have helped to hurt others.
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