Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Howard Maxcy Calls for an Emergency Meeting - Misquotes Constitution

Howard Maxcy has called for an emergency meeting.  In the process he has misquoted the Constitution and instead offers his interpretation.

Every tribal member should have a copy of the Constitution.  Here is what sections referred to state:

Article III - General Council
Section 3. MEETINGS

A. Regular Meetings.  A regular meeting of the General Council shall be convened On.
the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

B. Special Meetings.  Special General Council meetings may be called by the Executive
Committee or by a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the eligible voters
stating the purpose of the special meeting and proposed agenda for the special

C. Quorum.  Actions taken at a regular or special meeting of the General Council shall
not be valid unless a quorum consisting of at least 25 eligible voting members of
the Pala Band, five of which must be Executive Council Members, have signed in
at the meeting.’ If there is not a quorum present, the meeting may proceed for
informational purposes, but no votes shall be taken.

D.     Notice.  All regular and special General Council metings shall be publicly noticed
for no less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the meeting by posting notices
at the Tribal Offices and/or at other appropriate places on the Reservation.  In the
case of an emergency, a meeting may be called on three (3) days advance notice and
which notice shall also be posted in advance at the Tribal Hall and/or other
appropriate places on the Reservation. Unless proper notice is given as required
herein, any actions taken ordecisions made during that meeting shall not be valid
and binding.

Article III
Section 2.

J.     The General Council will authorize the Executive Committee to remove members
or non-members from the Reservation by taking the appropriate legal or other
action of authorizing the Executive Committee to do so.
Please refer to your Constitution.

I know some did not come to the Emergency Meeting last Saturday because they feared retaliation.  Others were misinformed and told the meeting was invalid and/or canceled.

Every tribal member needs to attend this meeting.  Please go to the meeting.  Stand up and let your voice be heard!