Just reposting some of the key documents here. The links will take you to the full document.
1962 Feb 27 Letter from the Department of the Interior Stating Margarita Britten Full Blood Cupa Indian
The Father of Margarita Brittain - Pelegrino Ortega
Robert Smith Acknowledges that the Daughter of Margarita Brittain is 1/2 Degree Indian Blood
11 Sept 1989 BIA Final Decision Margarita Brittain is Fullblood
1967 Jan 12 Letter to Pauline Pink Accompanying the 1913 Pala Allotment Roll
1913 Pala Enrollment Approved by Secretary of the Interior
BIA Enrollment Specialist Elsie Lucero Affidavit - Father of Margarita Brittain is Pelegrino Ortega
1921 July 22 Sworn Testimony Carolina Nolasquez at the Probate Hearing for Merced Nolasquez
Bureau of Indian Affairs Pacific Regional Director Recommends All 162 Disenfranchised Pala Members Be Enrolled