Wednesday, October 23, 2024

1980 Memo Regarding Pala's use of Mexican Indian Blood to Raise Total Quantum of its Members

This is a memo dated June 3, 1980 from the BIA Area Director to the Superintendent, Southern California Agency Frank L. Haggerty, Jr. regarding Pala's use of Mexican Indian blood to raise total quantum of its members.

1980-06-03 054-Pala Included Blood of Mexican Indians by kupa7 on Scribd

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pala Going Rogue

Looks like Robert Smith is getting into Sports Betting

A couple of interesting quotes from the article:

"The long battle over sports betting in California took another team last week when it was reported the Pala Band of Mission Indians is considering a new initiative in 2024. That means they must collect over 870,000 signatures from tribal members in less than five months. If they can get the signatures in time, it would lead to another referendum in 2024."


"The new initiative was expected to be announced last week, but the tribe still has not done so. One likely reason is pushback from other tribes in the Sunshine State. Pala is known for going rogue from other tribes, many of which do not support the legalization of sports betting. However, the blowback from working with the state to push through sports betting without their fellow tribes would be massive. It would likely also lead to yet another failed referendum."

Another article:


"Pala Chairman Robert Smith sent a communication to some tribal leaders Sunday giving them a heads up that the tribe will issue a news release Monday regarding filing a sports betting initiative for 2024."

Also in the News:


And there are rumors upon rumors.  I don't who or what to believe anymore so I don't really believe any of it.

Supposedly Pala is going to or already did buy Pala Mesa Resort.  Then Robert wants to put this land into trust and build a casino on it.  Does Robert still sit on the California Fee to Trust Consortium along with Amy Dutschke?

What was this about Robert wanting to shut the casino down?  Is that even true?  Weird times.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Robert Smith Seeks to Amend Pala's Constitution

    In a draft proposed amendment circulated on 9/14/22 Robert Smith is seeking to alter Pala's Constitution with respect to Pala's membership.  Particularly alarming is the language that reads "Membership in another tribe shall include actual membership in the tribe (such as inclusion on that tribe’s membership rolls) as well as an affirmative claim by the individual that he/she is a member of that tribe."

    This language should ring the alarm bells of the people at Pala.  First of all it is no longer clear who or what the "Pala Band" is.  Prior to 1903 the Luiseno living at Pala had their own reservation.  They are often referred to as "Old Pala" and are federally recognized as the Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pala Reservation.  In 1903 several tribes were forcibly relocated to Pala on land bought that is adjacent to the Old Pala Reservation.  These tribes include the Cupeno, Ipay (Digueno), and other various Indians such as Cahuilla and Yacqui. 

    In the 1960's an association was formed between all the tribes and Indians living at Pala so that economic development could be pursued.  All of these tribes and groups together became known as the Pala Band of Mission Indians.  However by 1978 the only tribe that was Federally Recognized was the Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians.  This is evident by the fact that all the initial paperwork filed for the development of the casino at Pala was done under the name Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pala Reservation.

    In 2015 the Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians changed their name to the Pala Band of Mission Indians.  If this amendment passes what happens to everyone else with respect to membership?  It is not uncommon to see people at Pala wearing Cupeno T-Shirts.  Is this enough to get them disenrolled?  People at Pala are of mixed ancestry.  It is not uncommon for someone to say "my Grandfather was Yaqui and my Grandmother Cupeno".  If Robert Smith overhears this can he then seek to disenroll people who make an "affirmative claim" about their ancestry?  Are people no longer going to be able to say "I am Luiseno and Cupeno" or "I am Cahuilla and Iipay"?  If this amendment passes will you then only be able to say "I am a Pala Band Member"?  What happens to our heritage?  What is a "Pala Band Member"?

    It should also be mentioned that tribal rolls are strictly confidential.  How Robert Smith intends to obtain the membership rolls of other tribes so he can cross-check them against the "Pala Band's" membership is not understood.

    Another issue with respect to Constitutional Amendments is that an Election has to be held for the specific purpose of amending the Constitution.  In an election to amend the Constitution at least 1/2 of the eligible members need to vote and 2/3 of that vote needs to be cast in favor of amending the Constitution.  Pala has not had a legitimate election in over 20 years.  It is doubtful this time around they will follow their own election rules spelled out in the Constitution with respect to Constitutional Amendments.

Robert Smith's Proposed Pala Constitutional Amendment

Draft 09/14/22 



A             The membership of the Pala Band shall consist of Those persons whose names appear on the Pala Allotment Roll as approved by the Secretary of the Interior on April 12, 1895, and November 38, 19135, who were living on the date of approval of the Pala Band’s original Articles of Association by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (the “Allotment Rolls”); the Enrollment Rolls of November 3, 1913, November 26, 1961, and January 15, 1978, and the current Enrollment Roll of the Pala Band.

B             All living descendants of persons on the Allotment Rolls covered in Section (1A)

above regardless of whether the original allottees are ancestor is living or deceased, shall be eligible for membership in the Pala Band, provided that they are direct lineal descendants and have one-sixteenth (1/16) or more degree of Indian blood of the Pala Band.

C             Those persons who have been adopted by the Pala Band shall be members of the Pala Band, provided that and such adoption has been approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Section 2.             MEMBERSHIP ROLL

The Executive Committee shall keep the membership roll current annually by striking

therefrom the names of persons who have relinquished in writing their membership in the Pala Band

and of deceased mMembers upon receipt of a death certificate or other evidence of death, arid by

adding the names of children born to members who meet the membership requirements.


No person may be a member of the Pala Band Member who is a member of any other Indian tribe that: is federally recognized, claims to be federally recognized, or is seeking federal recognition; or is state recognized. Indian tribe or band.  Membership in another tribe shall include actual membership in the tribe (such as inclusion on that tribe’s membership rolls) as well as an affirmative claim by the individual that he/she is a member of that tribe.  Should a member of the Pala Band Member in any other tTribe or Band, he/she shall immediately notify the Pala Band ofsuch other enrollment.  Enrollment in another Indian tribe shall result in immediate and his/her membership in the Pala Band will be deemed to have been relinquishmented of membership in the Pala Band effective on as of the date of enrollment in the other Tribe or Band regardless of whether or not the required notice is given.

If a member of another tribe or Band is eligible for enrollment in the Pala Band and applies for membership in the Pala Band, that person individual must relinquish his/her membership in the other tTribe or Band prior to being added to the membership rolls of the Pala Band and must present the Pala Band with evidence satisfactory to the Pala Band of having done so. Should a member of the Pala Band enroll in any other Tribe or Band, he shall immediately notify the Pala Band of such other enrollment and his/her membership in the Pala Band will be deemed to have been relinquished effective on the date of enrollment in the other Tribe or Band whether or not the required notice is given.



 Section. 1      EFFECTIVE DATE

     This Constitution shall become effective immediately after its approval by a majority vote of

the voters voting in a duly-called elections at which this Constitution is approved by the Bureau

of Indian Affairs.


  This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the

Pala Band at an election duly-called for this purpose in which not less than half of the eligible

members of the Pala Band cast their ballots.