Thursday, June 11, 2015

No California Online Poker in 2015

California Online Poker Shelved For 2015 According To Tribal Lobbyist

June 10th, 2015 | by Greg Shaun

California online poker has the potential to provide a drastic and much-needed boost to the overall health of online poker, but one tribal lobbyist in opposition of such legislation says 2015 won’t be the year.

According to David Quintana, a lobbyist representing the California Tribal Business Alliance, State Sen. Isadore Hall (D-District 35) has assured tribal organizations that the Senate Government Organization Committee (GO) that he chairs has no plans to tackle online poker this year.

Quintana told Capitol Weekly, a media outlet that covers California government and politics, that Hall “will not be setting or hearing any Internet poker bills this year.”

Read Full Article Here ->California Online Poker Shelved For 2015 According To Tribal Lobbyist

Robert Smith is Secretary/Treasurer for the California Tribal Business Alliance